This is not helpful to you at all, but
Way back when I was a budding young lab tech, I had an ultra controlling and horrifyinglly write-up/fire happy QA manager, so we took one of her check lists and changed it to say "Microwave Sign Out" and put in fields to fill like "Time" and "Power Setting". Then we posted it on the microwave in the break room with a big sign on red paper that said "YOU MUST SIGN OUT THE MICROWAVE BEFORE USE". That was a joke though.
About a month later I took the customer complaint return instructions and changed the phrase "insert the bottle in the cooler" to "insert the bottle in the cooter" and added randomly misspelled curse words to all of the electronic documents on pages that weren't the first page. I changed the labels on all of the switches to things like "Crocodile Pit" and "End of the World".
In retrospect, I was a pretty terrible employee. It was a remarkable testament to the level of control my manager had over the employees, but they did use the sign out sheet on the microwave.
Here's a very general checklist you could maybe adapt?