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Validation and Verification - meaning of inoculated pack studies?

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 10:36 AM



I'm reading the book Food Safety Management Programs by Debby Newslow, a great book by the way. But I'm stuck in the chapter about Validation and Verification, and I was hoping to find someone who can explain  "inoculated pack studies" to me, in the following text:


"Scientifically valid experimental data that demonstrates the adequacy of the control measure, which requires appropriately experimental trails such as laboratory challenge testing designed to mimic process conditions and industrial or pilot plant trails of particular aspect of a food processing system. Examples may include:

a. mapping temperature distribution

b. thermal death time studies

c. inoculated pack or microbial challange studies."


I'm also wondering about the meaning of the word "trails" in this text.


A big thank you in advance!



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Posted 27 March 2014 - 02:22 PM

I think Inoculated pack studies involve seeding an indicator organism into samples of your product and seeing what happens over time?



As for "trails" my guess is it was supposed to be trials and the spell check didn't find it because it is a word.  Happens to me all the time.   ;-)



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Posted 27 March 2014 - 02:54 PM

Dear CMac,


Previous post correct. Some detail -


Inoculated Pack Studies

Food processors are constantly evaluating their products for potential microbial risk to consumers. As such they look to experienced laboratories to perform challenge studies; inoculating their products using stabilized and sub-lethally injured organisms to mimic those commonly seen in the manufacturing environment. All studies are conducted in controlled laboratory settings using bacteria species that commonly represent spoilage or food safety concerns in the food matrix.


http://www.deibellab...ck Studies.html


For more heavyweight versions -


Attached File  Evaluation potentially hazardous foods, IFT,2001.pdf   1.02MB   40 downloads

(see Ch6)


Attached File  Inoculated pack study protocols, NACMCF,2009.pdf   557.82KB   38 downloads


Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 03:14 PM

I think Inoculated pack studies involve seeding an indicator organism into samples of your product and seeing what happens over time?



As for "trails" my guess is it was supposed to be trials and the spell check didn't find it because it is a word.  Happens to me all the time.   ;-)




About the word trails I have quoted the book and the word occurs twice in this text. The author is american som I thought maybe there is another meaning of it over there.. like production lines or so

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