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Pest control survey

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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:08 AM



Can someone please give me some pointers on pest control surveys.  I am not satisfied with our current pest control guy's survey but I cannot find anything really on the contents of pest control surveys or guidelines?


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Posted 04 June 2014 - 05:19 PM

Below are the points that are on the survey I made up for our company - we use BRC as our GFSI benchmark, the points on the survey come pretty much directly from the standard, however i do believe they will work across the board with some minor changes. I do this survey qtrly with the pest control provider. In () are the things to consider. 


Purpose and Scope: The aim of this survey is to examine the pest control activities, to ensure that they remain appropriate, and to allow an in-depth assessment of the site and equipment for evidence of pest activity, and to propose preventative measures to eliminate or minimize pest activity.


Review of pest control measures:  (Are they still appropriate for the type of business/ Are those measures effective? 

Review of bait takes: (#'s, anything out of the ordinary considering typical trends (weather and such))

Catch analysis from trapping devices:  (#'s, anything out of the ordinary considering typical trends (weather and such))

Identification of any trends: (Typical, require corrective action?)

Review of actions taken: (Is the current plan managing the pest activity, or is further/ less action needed?)

Recommendations for changes or improvements: (No one knows the pest activity like your provider, have them provide trends and recommend improvements for keeping numbers down)


Hope this helps!!

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  • Trinidad and Tobago
    Trinidad and Tobago

Posted 13 June 2014 - 02:54 PM

You may find this guidance document helpful. We  are using a PMP  and find it gives good informaiton on how to interface / define expectation from the provider.

Attached Files

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