Hi, here’s an approximation as to what X-ray inspection systems will detect. It is not 100% accurate just a guide. There may be some situations where better detection is achievable and some where it is not.
1. measure the product height (mm)
2. determine the product specific gravity S.G. e.g. cheese ~ 1.0
3. multiply 1. x 2. e.g. 100mm high cheese block x 1.0 = 100; call this absorption
when a contaminant is in an homogeneous product e.g. block of cheese the absorption needs to increase by approximately 5% before it is detected and for a particulate product e.g. bag of frozen french fries the absorption needs to increase by approximately 10% before detection. These are extreme examples, most food products will lie between 5% and 10%.
Take a stainless steel contaminant or test sphere, S.G. ~ 8. For the above 5% change to occur the thickness or diameter (if a typical test sphere was being used) would need to be > 0.6mm. For a particulate product this would need to be > 1.2mm.
The maths homogeneous: 100 + (mm x 8) = 105, mm = 5/8 = 0.63
The maths particulate: 100 + (mm x 8) = 110, mm = 10/8 = 1.25
It’s a bit more complicate than this as when a contaminant or test sample is in the product it displaces some of the product contents but as an approximation it works.
Take glass S.G. ~ 2.5. For the above 5% change to occur the thickness or diameter (if a typical test sphere was being used) would need to be > 2.0mm. For a particulate product this would need to be > 4.0.
You can carry out the same maths on lower density contaminants, thicker and more dense products and determine a rough approximation as to what will or won’t be detected. By using the above gives also an indication of the level of false rejects. If the change in absorption falls below the 5% or 10% or somewhere between the chances are there will be significant false rejects.
The best approach is to have the product checked out by potential X-ray suppliers and a report produced as to the expected levels of detection for given material types. You can however see the relationship between product density, height and contaminant density and height (diameter).
The above does not work too well for very low density contaminants and/or very high/dense products, but seems to offer a reasonable prediction for test samples (spheres) or contaminants in consumer packs.
Hope it helps.