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What to Include in a Company Newsletter?

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 08:54 PM



While I enjoy writing policy and procedure (I'm weird I know). It doesn't scratch my design itch much.


That being said, I'm going to talk to our CEO about starting a company newsletter.


Does your company have one? What kind of things go on it, I know some basic things I want on there but I'm having trouble determining publication frequency. If I can get the same kind of content that is fresh every month then I'll do it monthly, but right now I'm thinking every other month or even quarterly.


Fire away!  :thumbup:

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:39 PM

I can identify.  I used to do a monthly newsletter for a non-profit group I volunteered for.  Most of the companies I worked for small, medium and large did not, with one exception.  The exception  was  a national company with 63 facilities throughout the US and we geared the newsletter to training, communication and yes the occasional light hearted banter.  Now that you mention that I miss it.  Although most of my recent companies were small enough not sure it would have been of big benefit. 

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 05:54 AM

A few tips.  Do it quarterly to start with.  Ideas for inclusion.


- short update from CEO on company performance

- short updates from heads of sales and operations (highs/lows, new things)

- results of audits and inspections

- changes to FSQMS

- personal events (weddings, birthdays, births, charity bike rides etc.)

- a crossword or quiz (small prize)


a few ideas from one I did a long time ago.

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 08:24 AM

We used to have a monthly company newsletter, but to be honest it was only a couple of pages. It talked about productivity, efficiencies etc. Also congratulated people on their birthdays, having a baby etc. We were able to put things for sale in there, and any photos of a night out we'd had. We could even put a bit of gossip in there (as long as it wasn't libellous!) Was  quite good actually.


Caz x

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 11:46 AM

I would have a small section for a GMP of the (time frame your newsletter comes out).  Pick one GMP and highlight it.  The positive benefits of performing it and the consequences to the product/company if it's not followed.


You can also have a (standard section... if you have a GFSI standard) of the (Time frame).  IE: Section 4.2.1 "Title of the section" and how it relates to what everyone does.


This will show constant food safety and standard understanding refresher communications and auditors love that kind of stuff.  It also helps keep things fresh in the mind of your employees... but won't be as popular as the Sudoku or word search.


Oh and food safety/product/company word searches are always fun (for us odd people).

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:06 PM

I. but won't be as popular as the Sudoku or word search.


Oh and food safety/product/company word searches are always fun (for us odd people).

Well, now we have to make a Quality themed word search.


Quality = FUN, darn it!  Maybe I'll make a few after work -



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Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:29 PM

If you want to do suduko, get them to check your maths in the HACCP risk assessments! (which is why I use a 3 x 3 as I can't count!)

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:32 PM

Well, now we have to make a Quality themed word search.


Quality = FUN, darn it!  Maybe I'll make a few after work -




Lol yeah.  Make it real fun and put in a few of the bacteria names because those can be like 20 letters long.  "ok let's find Staphylococcus now"


If you want to do suduko, get them to check your maths in the HACCP risk assessments! (which is why I use a 3 x 3 as I can't count!)


LOL!  Not exactly the same but they will get HACCP experience for their resume

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:26 PM

I had done a quarterly newsletter at a previous employer. It was about 8 pages and included the following:


- update from the plant manager

- production update

- project update from engineering

- birthday's/anniversaries/recognitions

- food safety/sqf section

- word search/crossword puzzle that related to topics covered in the newsletter. whoever turned in a completed one would go into a drawing for a free lunch or a giftcard

- community service projects

- upcoming plant events / recapping recent plant events

- new employee introductions


Each quarter was a bit different based on what was going on in the plant.

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:44 PM

All very helpful suggestions. Thanks everyone!

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