I see that this post ought to be in the "Senior Management Commitment" section http://www.ifsqn.com...ent-commitment/
George Howlett posted a good post "Barriers to effective food safety management" on the topic http://www.ifsqn.com...ety-management/
That aside, if you do manage to round up Senior Management and get them to Commitment to meetings, please note that many of the clauses can be covered/hit with one stone. You can have an overview of the GFSI benchmark you are adhering to (BRC in your case), go over Trend Analysis for NC's and Customer complaints (and have some brain storming on what to do about bad/poor trends) this latter one will tie into Continual Improvement and SMC.
Say you have shoddy receiving coverage in your dock loading area... you have complaints about insects on your produce, infestation trends from your Pest Control recordings and NC's from your internal AND 3rd party Audit. Have a quarterly meeting with SM (Senior Management) about these problems... and about Senior Management Commitment, Continual Improvement, Pareto analysis with customer Complains and Internal NC's.... how Issue 7 is focusing so much on Supplier Approval and what/how SM is gonna do to prepare for it, etc, etc.
Now how many BRC clauses have you covered with that one quarterly meeting?
I can think about 5 or 6 right off the top of my head... maybe more.
That is how I have handled it with BRC and SQF with companies with great (or semi-great) success.
Hope that helps a bit.