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Does anyone have traceability format?

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Premananda Singh

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 04:06 PM

Does anyone have traceability format? Why it is so important in food manufacturing companies?

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Premananda Singh


Mr. Incognito

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 04:10 PM

Traceability is paramount in food manufacturing to keep the food chain safe.  If you find that an ingredient you used in your products was determined to be unsafe and was recalled you need to be able to identify what products you put that ingredient in and what products you made with it.  Furthermore you need to be able to identify who you sent that product to and notify them that your product may be or is unsafe.

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Mr. Incognito


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Premananda Singh

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 04:16 PM

Thanks Mr. Incognito for your valuable reply. Can you share me format for the same to maintain traceability for food products?

Edited by Charles.C, 29 August 2014 - 05:49 PM.
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Premananda Singh


Mr. Incognito

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 04:38 PM

First let me say this:  Simon strongly discourages anyone posting their email account to protect them from spam... he, or other moderators, will remove it themselves if they see it.


Traceability is a big component of food safety standards.  It's hard to give you a template or format for "traceability".  It's important to capture ingredient lot code numbers when items are brought in on receiving paperwork and writing down what the lot code is of the materials you use in production.  Also you need to have lot codes for your products you send out so you can identify them.


What kind of product do you make?  With more information I can give you more assistance.  I don't upload documentation from where I work but I can help point you in the right direction.

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Mr. Incognito


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Premananda Singh

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 04:47 PM

Dear Mr. Incognito,


We manufacture liquor products. It is a very big problem to maintain traceability of all the raw materials and packaging materials used in the manufacturing. I am looking for your help in this regard.

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Premananda Singh



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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:02 PM

Dear Premananda Singh--


I believe Mr Incognito is correct, you should not be posting your email address in the forums. We will help you as much as we can right here. 


As far as tracking of the individual raw ingredients, yes, it may be overwhelming at first, but it is necessary. You will need to find out how each ingredient comes to you and what that company uses as a date code. When it arrives in your facility, your receiving personnel must write down these identifying numbers.


When that ingredient goes to be combined into a finished product, the line worker must also write this number down.  You must keep these records.  How you set up the paperwork is very specific to your facility.


Here is a VERY basic traceability sheet

Attached Files

Edited by Setanta, 29 August 2014 - 05:19 PM.

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:07 PM

Charles has an excellent pdf on post #10 on this thread http://www.ifsqn.com...lity-procedure/ that explains traceability


This area http://www.ifsqn.com...n-traceability/ has everything that was designated traceability when different topics were created


Looking through some of that may help a little.


I understand you have a lot of ingredients in yogurt manufacturing I used to have about 30-40 different ingredients that we used to make about 10 products...


One of the easiest ways of maintaining traceability within your plant is to use a batch sheet when you make a product.  The batch sheet will have the name of the product, the day it was made, how much the shift is making, and all of the ingredients listed on it.  Next to the ingredients there will be fillable areas next to it for the quanitity that the shift used and the lot code of that ingredient... typically the ingredient lot code comes from the supplier so they know what went into making that ingredient or when and where it was made (depending on the ingredient). 





Amount to make


Name of ingredient    amount expected to be used    amount used                lot code

Ingredient 1                                250L                                XXXL               (ingredient lot code)

Ingredient 2

ingredient 3

ingredient 4


Name of operator                                                Signature


something like that is what I envision


You also have to record what packaging materials your using in packaging with a document so you can track what packaging materials were used on what products.

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Mr. Incognito


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Premananda Singh

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:12 PM

Thanks alot for your helpls. And sorry for the mail id i have shared. I will not repeat in future. I hope you wont mind as I did it unknowingly.

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Premananda Singh


Mr. Incognito

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:19 PM

It's not that we mind we just want to make sure you're protected from anyone who would use your email address in an improper way.  I only mentioned it because I have seen Simon tell people he deleted their email address on their posts because of the reason I stated earlier :biggrin:

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Mr. Incognito


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Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:20 PM

Might I suggest that you go through your other posts, and edit them to remove your email address.  The EDIT button is on the bottom right of the post.


Kind Regards,

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