- Purpose:
The purpose of the Waste Disposal Procedure is to ensure that ________ products are produced, processed and handled in a safe and hygienic manner with appropriate waste disposal accommodations.
- Responsibilities:
- ___________ department is responsible for the execution of this procedure.
- The ________ is responsible for responding to events which generate extra waste and which will require an extra pick up by the trash removal service through _______company.
- ________is responsible to verify this procedure is executed as outlined through daily pre-operational form xxxxx and GMP operational audit form xxxxx.
- Procedures:
11.9.1 DRY AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL Methods and Responsibility to Collect and Handle:
Sanitation ensures that both organic waste and regular trash generated in equipment washing process, food processing, and premises surroundings are effectively removed. Waste Removal:
A. Daily sanitation cleaning procedures involves checking to ensure regular trash and organic wastes are adequately removed from processing areas, both pre-operations and during operations. All regular trash is to be collected in designated trash containers and organic waste is to be collected in designated organic waste containers. (For details please see xxxx Food Container and Cleaning Utensil Color Code).
B. Dry waste such as processing waste, disused packaging materials are to be disposed in the trash compactor located at the _____ and ____ area. Trash disposal area should be maintained clean and organized at all times and verified daily to ensure it is not overflowing or leaking, and that litter or trash is not spilled or piled around it, which could pose a pest attraction, harborage or other contamination issue.
Trash compactor is to be empty _(Frequency)_____by “_______ Company”. Container for Handling Waste Materials:
All plastic trash and organic waste containers are to be maintained in good conditions. Trash compactor and Trash Disposal Containers are to be maintained serviceable, organized and clean condition as not to attract flies and other vermin. Waste Effectively Removed from Surroundings:
Management ensures that waste is effectively removed from wash-down, processing, and premises. Daily sanitation inspection involves checking to ensure trash is adequately removed from processing areas, both pre-operationally and during operations. The trash compactor area is verified daily to ensure it is clean and not overflowing or leaking, and that litter or trash is not spilled or piled around it, which could pose a pest attraction, harborage or other contamination issue.
Trash compactor door must be kept closed at all times, except when they are being loaded or dumped. Liquid Waste
C. Liquid from ________ will be stored in Organic waste bins:
Reviews of the effectiveness of waste management will form part of daily hygiene inspections and the results of these inspections shall be included in the relevant GMP and Pre-operational reports.
Ongoing verification that the requirements in the Waste Disposal SOP are met is achieved through the internal inspection program.
How's that for generic???