Can anyone help on how to write a declaration to show that our food products are allergen free,gluten free and non GMO.
we are producing RTEs..
Posted 29 September 2014 - 12:43 PM
Can anyone help on how to write a declaration to show that our food products are allergen free,gluten free and non GMO.
we are producing RTEs..
Posted 30 September 2014 - 06:06 PM
I would be concerned suggesting something not knowing your local regulations, if any exist in Kenya, on those topics. Are there testing requirements to be able to call something GMO free, gluten free, and allergen free?
If there wasn't I'm sure something concise would work like: Our products are free of GMOs, gluten, and allergens.
Also depending on different countries there are many foods that can be considered an allergen, and as I understand any food with protein in it could be a potential allergen to some people. By not labeling that you contain allergens aren't you also stating that you don't have allergens?
It's hard to give you specific direction not knowing what you make and where it is used.
Posted 30 September 2014 - 07:06 PM
Can anyone help on how to write a declaration to show that our food products are allergen free,gluten free and non GMO.
we are producing RTEs..
Not sure from your post whether this is a declaration on a food label for the final consumer..... or a declaration for a potential customer?
(as posted above a lot will depend on your local regulation )
If it is for a customer....
I have attached a nicely set out(IMO) allergen declaration from from United Sugar Corporation USC_Allergen_Declaration.pdf 898.89KB 252 downloads
Some information I found clarifying the requirements for GMO statements from Kenya (2012) gmo labelling.pdf 1.4MB 161 downloads
And some 'Gluten Free' labelling guidance from the UK (<20mg/ Kg is the requirement for Gluten free here-no idea of the situation for Kenya!) glutenguidance2012.pdf 554.56KB 105 downloads
Posted 04 October 2014 - 03:35 AM
Dear Benito,
Was the information helpful regarding yr query ?
Rgds / Charles.C
Kind Regards,
Posted 04 October 2014 - 06:15 AM
Yes the information was so helpful.Am so grateful for this forum.
Posted 27 April 2018 - 07:30 PM
Do you have the Allergen Declaration in the excel format?
I want to thank you for the shared information, very helpful. I just don't want to re-invent the week if you had by any chance the original file.
Thank you in advance.
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