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Customer Implications of Changing Lot Code System

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 07:16 PM

I have drafted a letter for the customer explaining the reason for the lot code change (expanding facilities), the benefits (increased traceability for our product), and the breakdown of the new system.  Sales is reviewing the letter; however, they are inquiring on the potentially negative reaction from our customers.  I do not have any prior experience with such a large change and no experience with how the customer's may react.  Does anyone have any insight on how this may go?  We have the change date currently set for  February 1st, 2015 ; however this is flexible.  Is more notice needed? Our Supplier Quality Requirements state that notice be given to any changes in process, but no exact timeframe.


Appreciate any help!  

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 08:01 PM

Of course the sales guys are complaining  :roflmao: They are cut from different cloth and probably only worried about their commission being negatively affected!!! You should be covered, just remember no one likes change, even when it to improve!


If your lot code is the bar code that is actually scanned at the register, the issue will be that the change has to be made manually at each location so that the product moves in and out of inventory.


Does your product end up at grocery stores through distribution warehouses?

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 08:07 PM

We switched lot coding not too long ago.  It greatly improved our traceability.  Customers were all on board, expect the co-mans that require specific coding structure.  We had to enlarge the space for the coding on the wrap, which meant rolling out new wrap slowly as the old wrap was used, instead of a hard date. 

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