I work at a produce company and we currently have 30 products that are covered under SQF. We currently have a register that has the following details of each product: item code, supersedes date, item description, stock U/M, ingredients, UPC/PLU code, if it’s available for resale, if the product is an allergen, if there’s any microbiological, chemical, or physical analysis, defects, hazard analysis classification, and who it was authorized by. I’ve attached an example of our register. However, we don’t really have any product specifications.
According to 2.3.2, would I have to make a raw material specification for all 30 of these products and the raw packaging specifications as well, or will the details from the register be enough?. We have lots of different types of packaging material so if we had to make specific material specifications, it would take a very long time. In addition, in my company’s register, we also have stuff like brooms, aprons, etc… listed. This doesn’t need to be in the register right? <- the person who did the register has left and I want to eliminate any unnecessary items! This is also the case for our finished goods though we don't really process any items. We just trim and repack! We have hundreds of finished goods and we have a register (it’s actually combined with our raw materials register), but no product specifications....do you think we would have to have specifications for all of these finished goods?
We’ve actually had three SQF audits (and two surveillance audits) where no one said anything about the product specifications (well, I wasn’t here for the audits, but that’s what it seems like since we still don’t exactly have product specifications!). I’m not sure if this was because our register was enough and included enough information to be like a product specification, or if we somehow got lucky. We’re gearing up for level 3 and I want to make sure everything is correct and in place!
P.S. If I will need to make product specifications, what attributes do you include for your raw, packaging, and finished goods specifications? Does it have to be a page or in-depth? If someone has any examples of their specifications, that would be helpful! Thank you in advance!
Attached Files
Edited by chefvi13, 08 January 2015 - 02:42 PM.