Hey there -
I have recently become certified to be our company's internal auditor for our SQF Level 2 program. Our company is a distributor of packaged (finished) products only and do not deal with any raw materials. This has caused some hiccups when writing our policies and procedures as we often feel the need to shoehorn the SQF requirements clearly geared towards manufacturers and packers into our daily workflow.
Now that I am auditing, I see that our allergen management program seems to be a bit light. As we have such a low risk of cross contamination (perhaps a case breaking during handling), I am not sure how to audit this section. Any ideas from anyone who has dealt with a similar situation? I think having a risk assessment in place proving our products are packaged and labeled by the manufacturer's seems sufficient to me, but will it stand up to an audit? We also provide training to our staff who handle cases on the "Big 8" allergens should a product break and need sanitation, but other than that not much is done.
I appreciate any help!