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Recall Coordinator Contact Information

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 03:55 PM

We are a small company that produces R-T-E snack food. We recently had a small and fully traceable recall but I found we had some glitches along the way. One was knowing who to contact at the retailer or distributor levels. I am now revamping our Recall policies and procedures and wondered if there is a web site or other streamlined way of getting recall coordinator information for companies like Costco, KeHe, UNFI, etc., or does this just need to be done on an individual basis. I've come to realize that having this information at my fingertips "prior" to a recall would be very helpful :)  Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks from Oregon!

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  • United States
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Posted 25 June 2015 - 09:26 PM


I have been hatching a plan to get this very information. I plan to list all distributors, then assign each member of the crisis management team a portion of the list. Each member would be responsible to research various distributors/customers with regard to recalls. Research along these lines can be explained as part of a mock recall exercise. Getting the help of others means it would not all fall on me if a recall really happened.


Each distributor and retail store has a policy. For example, some store chains will just remove all items and not check for a particular recalled lot number. I have found that many distributors have written procedures to send with questions about the recall situation (e.g., do you want the product destroyed or returned?) and accompanying instructions. Others have web sites to use to enter information.


I would like to end up with a recall procedure file, including a roster of contact info and a summary of policies. But you know how it goes.... best laid plans and all....



Wow. Re-reading this makes me sound like I have time to do this! Wouldn't that be great?

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  • New Zealand
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Posted 04 July 2015 - 09:37 AM



I usually review recall policy on a 6-monthly basis. There are always something changes.


Your Sales Manager should be involved in food recall event, as they always have the latest contact details of all retailers/distributors.



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