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Traceability Accuracy

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    Grade - MIFSQN

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Posted 02 July 2015 - 03:46 PM

How is everyone managing Traceability without a software system?  We are trying to do paper-based right now and it is not going well.  Production crew is recording production counts but when I compare them to the shipping logs, the counts do not add up.  Anyone have a more foolproof system?  Thanks! 

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    Grade - MIFSQN

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Posted 02 July 2015 - 04:01 PM

Hi AJ,


We have created forms and are inputting data into those forms on tablets. We have a tablet in Shipping/Receiving, a tablet at Production which and a tablet at Packaging. Right now, our batch sheets are on paper but we're moving to adding a batch form on the Production tablet. The same for our Sanitation program - the Master Sanitation Schedule and all sign-offs are moving to a tablet in the near future.


All of that data is uploaded into spreadsheets housed on Google Drive for review by authorized personnel at any time (and for review and sign-off for pertinent records). We don't have any CCPs in our HACCP system right now so we don't have anything for CCP monitoring. 


I'm still learning how all of this dovetails and who, exactly, is reviewing all of this information. I am a software kinda gal so I struggle with not having everything in front of me on one screen but I am sure it also has a little something to do with trying to teach an old dog new tricks.  :blush:


What you're describing about counts not adding up sounds like you need to have some thorough training. I would even go so far as to suggest an impromptu internal audit on this process. Something (or someone!) in the process isn't doing what it/they need(s) to do. I used to do inventory at my last place and 99% of the time, errors were user errors. Someone transposing information, counting/measuring incorrectly or just plain not paying attention or caring. 


Hope this helps and good luck!



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Posted 13 January 2020 - 03:11 PM

Yeah I've seen it before.  Employee says oh sorry I thought that type of box had 168 on pallet but it actually has 176.  Then everyone else down the line didn't care enough to change or say or correct anything, they just put the correct number so they don't get in trouble.  

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