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Upgrading to ISO 9001:2015 from ISO 9001:2008

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 01:20 PM

I Own a ISO 9001:2008 Company and want to upgrade it from 9001:2008 to 9001:2015. I need to do internal audit for it. I want to know how can i upgrade my iso certification and what new modules had been added into it. And how can i manage these new added modules

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Ehab Nassar

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Posted 01 March 2016 - 02:28 PM

Hi sapnasharma ,


this is a clause by clause comparison : 


http://www.pjr.com/d...SO 9001 CRM.pdf




Hope it helps ,



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Posted 02 March 2016 - 08:39 AM

Recently ISO 9001:2008 has been upgraded to ISO: 90012015 and it is amended for 10 years. After March 2017 every certification body issues ISO: 9001 2015 certificate. If a company is already ISO: 9001 2008 certified then there recertification will be of ISO: 9001 2015.


ISO: 9001 2015 has two new modules and rest of ISO: 9001 2015 is same as ISO 9001: 2008. Only context of test and risk analysis are newly amended


Before up gradation to ISO: 9001 2015. Internal and external issues need to be resolve

I am using a quality management software and this software is the best quality management software i ever use. It has predefined format for each and every module and sub module. The software is specially design for helping people in upgrading their ISO. And preparations need to be made before certification. It has a user-friendly layout and very easy to use, you just need to enter the data in the fields and save it. Later you can export your data in .xls format


I am really happy with this software. Try it and manage your complete ISO without any help. 

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 02:35 PM

Before internal audit you must ensure eligibility of your organization to be an ISO certified. There are some checkpoints which need to be done before internal audits.

  1. Preventive Maintenance schedule.
  2. Earthing Pit record of earth Leakage(Earth to neutral voltage), if you are a manufacturing firm
  3. Training schedule of your employees record
  4. Breakdown intimation report
  5. Sales record

You need to first Made all these records before thinking about an audit. First buy a new standard that will give you brief description.

Edited by Simon, 04 March 2016 - 02:38 PM.
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Posted 05 March 2016 - 12:50 PM

The software has all the modules and submodules covered under ISO 9001:2015.

  1. Quality policy/ Quality objectives

  2. HR and Training Management

  3. Purchase module

  4. Business development/ Marketing

  5. Preventive maintenance/ Calibration/ Measurement and monitoring

  6. Non conformance Module

  7. Internal Audit

  8. Management review

  9. Design and development

  10. Risk and opportunity

  11. Operations planning

  12. Context of organization

And many more……

Edited by Simon, 06 March 2016 - 07:42 PM.
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Posted 06 March 2016 - 06:56 PM

ISO Stands for International Organisation for standardization. ISO is an international standard whose prime aim is to optimise the quality process of an organization that will improve overall performance of an organisation in terms of Productivity and yeilds. This standard does not give any conformity to the product but it gives conformity to the process an organisation is adopting to produce its product.ISO is nothing but a quality management system that will be adopted by organisations to enhance quality in there process.Many organisation adopted ISO for enhancing quality in there service and support for better customer satisfaction. since the iso is changed , from now ISO 9001 2008 is now moved to ISO 9001 2015.and it is now amended for 10 years


There are several benefits of using ISO


1.       Increase overall performance of an organisation

2.       improve productivity and yield

3.       statistically solves the issues in quality process

4.       provide risk and opportunities related to context and objective of an organisation

5.       consistently maintain quality of process

6.       systematically improves quality of an organisation for better and excellent customer satisfaction and feedback.

7.       ISO helps in analysis of problem statistically and evidence based decision making


ISO is a quality management system, which has several Principles


1.       Context and objective of organisation

2.       Risk and opportunities

3.       Planning

4.       Leadership

5.       Operations

6.       Support

7.       Competence

8.       Preventive Maintenance

9.       Human Resource

10.   Marketing

11.   Control of non conformity output

12.   Production and service provision


In my next post. I will start to discuss with the First Principle of ISO and some thing more about PDCA cycle.



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Posted 06 March 2016 - 07:46 PM


In my next post. I will start to discuss with the First Principle of ISO and some thing more about PDCA cycle.




We look forward to it David...let's see if you post something intelligible and without mentioning your company name / software.


By the way I just noticed that your IP address is almost identical to the original posters...well fancy that. :ejut:

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Posted 08 March 2016 - 08:43 AM

In my previous post I little about ISO 9001 2015. In this post i am going to share ISO 9001 2015 first principle i.e. Context of text of an organization


Context of text of an organization defines the objective and aim of an organization. It is related to the internal and external issues of an organization and determining of internal and external issues that will be a restriction in achieving the desired quality for an organization. Context of organization is nothing but monitoring system for internal and external issues. These internal and external issues need to be solved before applying for an ISO certification. There are some positive and negative factors of an organization. Context of organization determines why these factors are positive and what are the reasons behind it to be a positive factor, if there is a negative factor of an organization, it means that there is an internal or external issue within the organization then context of organization is helpful in determing why this factor is negative factor and how to make negative factor to a positive one.


Context of organization gives a clear face of internal and external problems of an organization and the opportunities available after solving these internal and external issues. External issues are related to market, legal, technology using by organization, working environment and competition in market, Similarly, internal issues are related to knowledge of employees of an organization ,  work environment and safety management.


Context of text also involves in understanding the demand of the client for quality management system, if an organization adopted a quality management system then it will be beneficial for the organization in gathering more new clients and increase its productivity and yield. For an ISO certified an organization should set there boundaries and limits in which they consistently mantain there quality. Under context of organization responsibilities of important authority and employees should be assigned and organization should also implement performance indicators to check the performance of their employees and organization. An organization should continuously monitor market feedback regarding there product quality and also need to make some checkpoints through which they can analyze there internal issues.


After finding internal and external issue an organization can analyze it through fish bone diagram problem analyses. and made necessary changes in its context and ensure that the changes they made doesn't effect there quality management system anymore. Before implementing these changes an organization should check the opportunities and risk available after the changes has been made. An organization should also maintain all the document related to their product, Proper documentation is required and an organization should also conduct training session and short term courses related to Quality management system for their employees. Training help development of their new employees and also helpful in better understanding of ISO 9001 2015.


This is a basic about context of organisation risk and opportunities. In my next post i will discuss more another principle of ISO 9001 2015.

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Posted 12 April 2016 - 10:30 AM

Hi Guys,


It is calm on here, i thought that more QA would be involved in going from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015.

I want to be audited against ISO 9001:2015 for my next audit, i have got few month.


John has been helpful with the context of the organisation, what about the process approach? who is the new thing in the 2015 version.

I find that actually everything must be thought about at the same time (process, risk and monitoring requirements).


Any thought about process?

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