I am writing an SSOP for cleaning of a refrigeration unit used to cool produce after packing. How often should a cooler be clean? Daily, weekly or monthly? Should the cooler be cleaned weekly, but drip pans be cleaned daily? Any advice would be appreciated. This is the first time I have had to write one for a cooler.
Hi calaggal,
I presume a "cooler" is ca. 0-4 degC
As per previous post, it likely depends on "condition", eg product-process, and practicality.
the theoretical answer(s) is sufficiently frequent to prevent hygienic contamination risk to product/personnel etc. And presumably effectiveness.
i anticipate your restriction may be practical ? eg access, eg how often is the cooler empty ? hopefully less than monthly ? week-ends ?
similarly how "accessible" is the "drip pan" (I have no idea what this is unfortunately)
IMEX of in-use, non-modern, cold rooms (-18degC) monthly "sweeping" is typical but the risk is obviously different.