Just received this email. Concerning to be honest...
Dear Sir or Madam,
after more than 5 years Integrity Program, the adaptation of the Annex 4 of the framework agreement, several control audits in certified companies, office audits in certification bodies and additional several IFS internal investigations of the IFS database the assessments of the IFS Quality Assurance Management in connection with a confirmation of the chairman (lawyer) of the sanction committees now resulted in the topic that due to several performance issues certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK has to be suspended for 3 months. This suspension time frame will start on 15th of June 2016.
This means that, from the time of suspension according to the Annex 4 of the framework agreement:
• The certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK is not permitted to issue certificates whilst suspended; no certification decision shall be made.
• The certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK is not permitted to schedule or perform audits whilst suspended.
• Sites with audits currently planned to be performed by certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK during the above notified suspension period have to be contacted by certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK. These sites should make arrangements with an alternative approved and accredited certification body for the scheme.
• A review has to be done of the processes operated by certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK to ensure the validity of their currently issued certificates. The content and extent of the review shall be based on the reason for the suspension.
This decision of IFS Integrity Program has no impact on all other IFS certified sites and certification bodies. But IFS Integrity Program has to ensure that the IFS standard requirements are always respected and the integrity of the whole IFS program is guaranteed.
IFS Office is aware, that this is a strict decision for the involved certification body SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd, UK. Nevertheless this decision is in accordance with the current valid Annex 4 of the Framework Agreement which was signed by all certification bodies.
Your IFS Team