Dear All,
We are a canned tuna food manufacturer here in Indonesia. As part of our traceability system, we have implemented a batch tracking system
which involves every 30 minutes changing of colored tag (a plastic plate-like colored tag) in the line. The skinned and cleaned tuna loins are
placed in a plastic square tray together with the colored tag where a non-permanent boardmarker is used to write the details of the batch.
Since we are only buying in retail and cannot get the complete specification, so far in our research the marker that we are using according to
it's specification is that it is xylene and toluene free and uses alcohol based pigment. Now that we are reviewing our Hazard Analysis we have
considered it as a possible hazard (chemical) however little is our knowledge on what is it's effects if it comes in contact with the loins. Given
the specs, is it ok that we continue using such marker? Is there any requirement/regulation/specification in using such marker?
Many thanks and Best Regards,