We have a primarily dry grain processing facility, with only a steaming-rolling step and subsequent conveyors while drying that are "wet".
We are looking at utilizing dry ice blast cleaning for the "wet" areas, as well as cleaning in other parts of the plant, since it does not introduce moisture into the plant. For the rest, we'll be using explosion-proof vacuums, as well as hand-brushing.
However, I'm still trying to figure out the best option for cleaning our floors. Normally, one would think that wet mopping is the best option, but in the interest of keeping as little moisture as possible out of our facility, I'd like to explore other ideas.
Is dry ice blasting a practical and economic alternative for cleaning floors as well? Since 95% of the plant is dry, do we even need to worry about floor cleaning beyond normal sweeping? What about for the floor in the "wet" area?
Thoughts? Opinions? Pros vs. Cons?
Any input would be welcome!