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MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 12:46 PM

Hi guys,


We have product specifications for what we produce and supply however a customer has also asked for MSDS (material safety data sheet) for our product. I have never been asked for one before and cant seem to find much information on this with regards to UK requirements. I checked BRC v7 and cant see any information on it either but that could be a fault of me not picking up on this.


Any advice would be great.



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 01:21 PM

Hi guys,


We have product specifications for what we produce and supply however a customer has also asked for MSDS (material safety data sheet) for our product. I have never been asked for one before and cant seem to find much information on this with regards to UK requirements. I checked BRC v7 and cant see any information on it either but that could be a fault of me not picking up on this.


Any advice would be great.




hi Irishlass,


I assume yr product is a "food" as categorised in link below..


If so, possibly someone is "having you on".


Try this -




PS - this is a more typical usage -





PPS - I have been recently corrected/informed on this forum that the acronym MSDS is now obsolete. Replaced by SDS.

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 01:29 PM

hi Irishlass,


I assume yr product is a "food" as categorised in link below..


If so, possibly someone is "having you on".


Try this -




PS - this is a more typical usage -



Hi Charles,


The product in question is pasteurised liquid egg which is sold mainly to bakeries. A large bakery in the UK and Ireland have asked for this, somebody from their technical center. Not sure how to approach to tell them we dont have one but surely it isnt needed when all the risks, hazards and all other info needed is covered in HACCP and specs?


Maybe its an early April fools?



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 01:40 PM

Hi irishlass,


Perhaps the example below. With an appropriate adjustment of the last paragraph if any of yr products have ever exhibited aggressive behaviour such as the flour mentioned in 1st link.


Attached File  uckers.pdf   237.62KB   98 downloads


PS - If you prefer to be more diplomatic/cautious, you could simply suggest that SDS sheets are to your understanding more typical of hazardous chemicals as per the links above. Then use a paragraph such as in uckers.

Personally i have rarely used SDS sheets since i have found many of them, eg for lubricants, rather incomprehensible but they certainly seem to be the go-to reference these days.


PPS - MWidra is the OSHA expert on this Forum and I seem to recall she also works with flour based products.

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 02:08 PM



this link makes me a little more cautious -




here is an analogous thread to this one for packaging -



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 02:26 PM

addendum 2


Predictably (rightly or wrongly), here is an example of a SDS sheet for a food ingredient -


Attached File  SDS-Food-Grade-Refined-Vegetable-Oils.pdf   17.01KB   60 downloads


Maybe some people simply enjoy issuing them ?


Note the 16 sections, this is what Wiki has to say -




It looks like interpretations of what may/may not be within scope are variable.


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Posted 11 October 2016 - 02:31 PM



Thanks for your input. I have let our supplier know it isnt something we currently hold for our products as they arent seen as hazardous but can be looked into if they are needed. There is something you learn every day, never came across this before until now!



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 02:42 PM

adendum 4


and finally an (m)sds for pasteurized liquid egg -


Attached File  msds food grade pasteurized liquid egg.pdf   147.93KB   59 downloads


It still looks justifiable to be OSHA-unrequired but perhaps the 1907/2006/CE has something to do with it. :smile:

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 06:52 PM

Hello all,

I do not know of the specific hazard with regard to your product. The requests for MSDS or SDS has been from OSHA in the United States identifying grain dust as a potential explosive hazard to employees. OSHA requires each employer than handles grain to evaluate whether or not an explosive hazard exists to employees in their process or storage practices.

Grain thus far is the only product for which I have actually seen an SDS or MSDS.

I hope that helps!


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Ryan M.

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 06:57 PM

In the US, not required if food material is non-hazardous in terms of personal safety (NOT FOOD SAFETY).


This is a template of a letter I issued to customers who requested SDS sheets (Keep in mind it was MSDS in the US up until December 2014, when US got on board with the rest of the world and followed the Globally Harmonized System).  The GHS SDS sheets are a bit different than what you would see on a former MSDS sheet.  At any rate...hopefully this helps.


To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to certify that the following product(s):
Manufactured exclusively for XXXX by XXXX is not to be or to contain hazardous chemicals based on evaluation made by our company under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200.  Section (b) (5) (ii) specifically exempts from the labeling requirements of the HCS (Hazard Communication Standard) any food or food additives that are subjected to the labeling requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
XXXXX is licensed under the laws of the State of California by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and is under regular inspection of the Food Safety auditors of the California State Food and Drug Administration.
As such no Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is required for the edible food ingredients and flavors we are currently supplying to your company. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you still have questions or concerns.



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 07:10 PM

See Article 31 in 1907/2006/EC.


It doesn't look like your product would fall under any of the definitions for substances that would require an SDS.


Perhaps a letter similar to what RMills06 suggested would satisfy your customer(s):  your product is exempt from the requirements of 1907/2006/EC.


I have often seen customer requests that appear to be a one-size-fits all inquiry that they send to all their suppliers.  Unfortunately, it doesn't always apply to all suppliers.

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Posted 11 October 2016 - 08:53 PM

We manufacture a cellulose powder product, which is a combustible dust.  We need to have an SDS that we send to customers, and it is GHS compliant.


If your product has no hazardous components, then US law does not require an SDS.


But, this is for a UK customer, and your laws there may be different, especially after BREXIT.  So I would ask your customer for a reference to the UK standard that governs SDS requirements and check it out.


If they are only asking because they get it for things like flour and sugar, which contain combustible dust, then they may think they need it for everything.


I would have a conversation with the person who sent it to you so you can satisfy what they need.  A letter stating that there are no hazardous materials in your product may be enough.



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Posted 08 December 2016 - 02:45 AM

Material safety data sheets help to protect you in your given job. Anytime you use chemicals or cleaning products, you should first be aware of what type of product you are dealing with and how best to handle it. So, that you will not face any problem.

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