Hello, Sorry for the delayed reply and thank you for all of your responses, they are much appreciated. I have pasted what we currently have as far as a uniform policy and this is coming from our GMP policy. He wants a new one because we don't really have one.
Personal Hygiene and Practices:
A. All employees are expected to bathe regularly and wear clean clothing and shoes (maintained, stored, and laundered) to work so as not to present a contamination risk to products.
B. Hair should be clean and well groomed.
C. All employees are instructed to report any exposure to a communicable disease, and all illnesses, open cuts or sores to their supervisor immediately. Bandages on hands must be covered by a glove to remove the threat of it falling into food or on to food contact surfaces or in food packaging material. Company issued bandages will be blue and metal detectable. You must replace bandages on your hands and fingers with the blue bandages available in the QA lab even if the injury occurred away from work.
D. Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing or spitting is not permitted in any food processing or food handling areas. No food or food containers, tobacco products, gum, candy, or beverages other than water are allowed in the production or warehouse areas. Food and beverages shall be stored and consumed only in designated areas. Designated areas include break room and private offices only.
E. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas. By Oregon law, smoking must be done at least 10 feet away from doors, windows, or air intake areas. You must throw used cigarettes into the ash can, not onto the ground or in the bushes. This is to prevent cigarettes from becoming foreign material in our products.
F. You are required to wash your hands with soap and water before working on the production line. This includes:
i. At the beginning of your shift.
ii. After breaks or lunch.
iii. After picking up hoses and other items from the floor.
iv. After dumping garbage.
v. After using a handkerchief.
vi. After smoking, eating, or drinking.
vii. After each visit to the restroom. In this case you must wash your hands twice. Once before you leave the restroom and once when you enter production before returning to work.
viii. Thoroughly wash and dry hands when entering the production area and anytime hands become soiled.
ix. After handling an allergen.
Note: You must wash your hands even if you will be wearing gloves to perform your job.
Using Gloves:
A. Gloves must be worn at all times when handling food products or related items. Do not handle food or raw materials directly with your hands. Do not touch the insides of plastic or glass containers directly with your hands.
B. Gloves are required to be maintained in an intact, clean, and sanitary manner. Gloves are required for employees with band aids on hands and anytime you must touch product or food contact areas of packaging (inside bottles, jars, or lids).
C. All hand washing procedures must be maintained. If you are wearing gloves you hands may still become dirty.
D. You must wash or change your gloves after picking up items from the floor or dumping garbage.
E. Gloves need to be changed after each break, upon re-entry, whenever they are soiled and whenever you leave the production area.
A. Hairnets must be worn when entering the processing or warehouse areas. All hair must be contained within the hairnet. Beard nets are required for any facial hair and must cover both beard and moustache.
i. Permanent employees must wear white hairnets.
ii. Temporary employees must wear red hairnets.
iii. Visitors must wear green hairnets.
B. Except for safety gear, hats are not allowed. All other types of head coverings must be kept clean and must be completely covered by a hairnet.
C. Clothing including shoes shall be clean at the commencement of each shift and maintained in a serviceable condition.
D. Shoes must be closed toe and NON-SLIP at a minimum, TBF has implemented a Safety Shoe Program in which all employee’s are required to wear NON-SLIP, Water Resistant shoes provided by the company through Red Wing while on the production floor.
E. All employees must step into the footbath prior to washing hands to assure clean shoes.
F. Excessively soiled uniforms shall be changed where they present a product contamination risk. The company will provide uniforms that are to be changed whenever excessively wet or dirty, or after an allergen is run. Uniforms needing repair are to be tagged for the laundry service. You are expected to remove your uniform before entering the rest room or exiting the building and hang them on designated hooks. DO NOT TAKE UNIFORMS FROM THE BUILDING. Your street clothes are to be clean, well-fitting, and in good repair, with no tears, holes, strings or loose threads. Jackets or sweaters are to be worn underneath your uniform (Except for warehouse personal when going outside). Street clothes are not to be hung on hooks designated for uniforms (there are signs above the racks specifying its use, personal or uniforms). Uniforms are to be removed and hung on designated “uniform only” hooks before eating.
G. Coconut production personnel are required to wear specially designated uniforms that are distinguished by color (Dark Blue) and design from uniforms worn in other areas of production. These uniforms must be removed and hung in designated areas located near the coconut production rooms before leaving the allergen processing area’s. These uniforms can only be worn in the coconut processing rooms by coconut production personnel.
Jewelry and Personal Effects:
A. No items (i.e. pens, pencils, tools,) are to be stored in pockets above the waist.
B. No jewelry: Body Piercings, Earrings, Rings, Watches, Necklaces (unless medical) etc. or fingernail polish allowed. Plain wedding bands with no stones attached may be allowed. Jewelry is not easily sanitized, and stones may break and fall into product and create a food safety issue.
C. Medical Alert jewelry is permitted, but is restricted to necklaces which are to be worn under outer clothing.
D. No personal items are allowed on the plant floor. This includes jackets, sweaters, purses, cell phones, cameras, IPods, MP3 players, radios, etc. unless they are supplied by the company and required to perform your job.
E. All food or drink carried through production; packaging or warehousing areas must be wrapped and/or covered.
F. Water bottles must have an attached lid to be on the Production floor and stored in the designated area, hand washing must be completed after drinking.
G. Toothpicks, match sticks, pens or similar objects may not be held in one’s mouth.