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Ice Disposal- Ice as a by-product of production

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Posted 04 December 2017 - 08:27 PM

Hi all,


I have a unique dilemma that i figured i would reach out to the IFSQN for assistance with. My employer specializes in freeze drying but the nature of the process generates large quantities of ice that condense on the cold plates of the equipment. Currently we are burning out the ice using hot water and sloped floor drains. Since starting at the company as SQF practitioner i have been trying to find a creative solution to this issue to no avail. The current method uses costly amounts of water and the ice is a personnel safety hazard to say the least. If our plant was located in a warmer area we would most likely convey the ice outdoors to let it melt in the ambient temperature but 3 to 4 months out of the year the cold weather makes this idea into a recipe for a small glacier behind the plant.


If anyone on the forums has any experience in dealing with large amounts of ice as a by product of your process your input or experience would be greatly appreciated.


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Posted 04 December 2017 - 08:34 PM

I said then and I will say again - use high pressure steam jet.


Uses a lot less water.


Is used by other freeze dry ops that are our clients.

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Posted 04 December 2017 - 10:15 PM

DItto SQF Consultant, another option is to return your plates to the freeze drying chamber and heat up the chamber, but that's an infrastructure solution that will be much more expensive.

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Austin Bouck
Owner/Consultant at Fur, Farm, and Fork.
Consulting for companies needing effective, lean food safety systems and solutions.

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