Lately visited a manufacturer that produces vegan meat replacers.
The product is labeled with "with iron", "with vitamin B12", "rich on fibers" and "rich on proteins".
I asked for validation of these claims.
I received a report, dated 1 week before the audit, which stated that "rich on fibers" and "rich on proteins" claims were calculated and in line with EG directive 1924/2006.
For "with iron", which was claimed in nutritional value table as 2,1 mg/100 gram, validation was only "added in recipe".
For "with vitamin B12", which was claimed in nutritional value table as 0,38ug/100 gram, validation was also "added in recipe".
There are no analysis reports verifying the quantity of iron and B12.
The QA manager explained that B12 analyses has a very high uncertainty (up to 75%) and therefore it is not possible to validate with analyses.
For Iron it is also hard to analyse amounts with certainty, is said.
Is there any expert here, that can:
- conform to me that indeed analyses of B12 and iron are no useful;
- explain what I can expect (and accept) as validation for these claims.
(note: for vitamin C claims, I use to ask for analyses results end of shelf life to conform that the claimed amount of vit C is still present in the product.)