My company imports lots of ingredients from outside the US for further processing by our customers. Customs (not the FDA) has been "inspecting" our shipments at what appears to us to be a rather high level. Inspection involves rendering the product no longer usable. They break seals, puncture containers, cut open bags, etc. I understand that this has to happen from time to time as part of product inspections, but we import from 50+ different companies around the globe and the bulk of the customs sampling appears to be restricted to two south american companies.
Any advice? Customs is not responsive to inquiry. The costs are adding up and they are significant. In addition to the costs, there's the lost product that was promised to customers that they can no longer get as the customs folks ripped the bag in half and spilled the product everywhere after sifting through it with unsanitary probes.
Sooo, Is the VQIP program worth looking into? I know it will theoretically minimize FDA sampling, but will it do anything about customs?