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Metal detection checks-memory function.

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Posted 08 February 2018 - 11:26 AM

Hi all,


I have a question about the documentation of CCP metal detection , regarding test of memory/reset function.

I am trying to simplify the records of metal detection checks , to make it clearer and  also  easier for operatives performing the test. 

The test record would have a form of questions where operative have to tick appropriate box 'yes or 'no'. Questions would regard  each sample's detection

and rejection. The monitoring of the rejects would be done by answering yes/no to question 'is rejection box empty' and if the answer was 'no' then the corrective action must be recorded etc.


I am not sure if the test of memory function can be recorded in this way: When the test samples are detected by metal detector, the total number of rejection increases.Is it necessary to record the actual number on the CCP record or would it be enough to state that the number increased by 3?

BRC states that only the checks on this function of metal detector must be performed but doesn't determine the number of the rejects must be recorded. 


Thank you.








The monitoring of the rejects would be done by answering yes/no to question 'is rejection box empty' and if the answer

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Posted 09 February 2018 - 09:14 AM


my procedure is written that memory test should be done on began of production (one product, every change of product or shift you have to do it again) and on end of production or if machine is stopped for longer than 15 min or if people are going for brake and after, and there is no need to put it on paperwork that this check has been done. of course there is box which says that metal detector is working correctly (only initials is required )  in that box, only one check is recorded every hour (three different peace's) with just Initials of person who dos check.

hope that will help - we have BRC AA no one ever question our procedure so I assume its good :) 

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Posted 09 February 2018 - 10:57 AM


my procedure is written that memory test should be done on began of production (one product, every change of product or shift you have to do it again) and on end of production or if machine is stopped for longer than 15 min or if people are going for brake and after, and there is no need to put it on paperwork that this check has been done. of course there is box which says that metal detector is working correctly (only initials is required )  in that box, only one check is recorded every hour (three different peace's) with just Initials of person who dos check.

hope that will help - we have BRC AA no one ever question our procedure so I assume its good :) 


Thank you for your response.

Do you record the number of total rejections in the CCP record or elsewhere?


Many thanks.


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 01:30 PM

Rejected product should be recorded on hourly checks only by technical team (or more often if you have to) and then procedure should say that you QA take a rejected product and do the checks on it to fing any foreign body, if they find anything they do investigation if they don't in comment on work sheet they write comments to that  . I can't load file but send me a message ill give you my email address ill send you how I did it.

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Posted 24 July 2018 - 09:14 AM

Hi, Katrina.


This is normally recorded together with CCP record. This way, it will be better for us to reconciliate the metal detector logs on the same day and whenever we perform verification of records as required by internal verification plan.

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