Hi All,
First post, so would like to introduce myself I'm Brendan a Quality Coordinator based in Australia.
The site I currently work at are BRC certified.
I am wondering if anyone has any advice or has used both the 3M Luminometer and/or the Hygiena one in relation particular to ATP but also
in Hyginea's case they also have claims of pathogen capabilities how ever what I have read is alot of false positives. My main point of view
is that ATP will be brought in to replace current TPC swabbing we do, but keep the pathogen swabbing sent off site to an independent NATA
labaortatory but if hyginea system works and can reliably get pathogen results just have as a more eyes on quick approach and not replace NATA
results as per requirements.
Just want to see others thoughts & experiences.
Thanks in advance