Question - Our facility is two separate buildings (approx 180,000 sq ft) - but we have product piping to/from both buildings. Our product is liquor based, so very VERY low risk of any sort of micro or bacteria - and there isn't really a required pathway from raw to finished goods, as we have GMP throughout all our facility. And within these buildings there is probably easily 25 miles of hardline piping running throughout, its a virtual liquor highway.
And the product moves from tank to tank depending on production needs, head space, blending, etc... so there is NO way I can say the wine all runs this one way, and my arrows to product flow would look like a child's scribble.
So what I had done was do a risk assessment on the traffic flow as well as the product flow and determined to have no restrictions of flow. And minimal risk of biological or physical hazards.
I do mark where we keep our allergens, chemicals, dry ingredients, employee enterance, bathrooms, incoming liquid location. Just not flow. Does anyone else have a similiar product or layout, that you just can singly say product is a one way route.
During an internal audit it was found non conforming because I didn't have product / traffic flow directions, and I argued its impossible to indicate.
We are audited against Canada's FSEP requirements. My BSI auditor has seen this form for the last 3 years, and its always been like this - the comment made by the internal auditor is wouldn't be okay by CFIA standards (but they have no idea - they are just happy to make a finding)
Thank you in advance for any assistance.