We recently went through our yearly NSF Supplier Assurance Audit. This year the standard had changed and now they require the following:
The standard in NSF 2.1 states that
- The HACCP team shall prepare a list of all the hazards (chemical, physical, biological, radiological or other) that may be reasonably expected to occur at each step, from raw material receipt, processing, manufacture, storage and distribution until the point of consumption. Evaluation shall include all ingredients, equipment, processing steps and packaging materials.
We are not required to be compliant with FSMA so had not assessed this.
The Preventative Controls for Human Food regulation defines hazard as any biological, chemical ( including radiological) or physical agent that has the potential to cause illness or injury. Chemical hazards include food allergens, mycotoxins, toxic chemicals, radiological agents etc.
I have read through some other posts on this and I see that radio logical is included under chemical. The way the NSF standard reads it sounds like it is to be pulled out ( its own column) and assessed at each step.
I am just wondering if there is anyone else who has gone through this audit and how did you approach the radiological hazard?