Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but we are struggling with ingredient labeling. We have plastic cambros that we use when scaling out ingredients, if the ingredients aren't being use right away they require a common name and lot code. In the past we have used stickers to do this, but some came off prematurely and others never came off leaving a gunky mess on our containers. We have started writing directly on the cambros with dry erase, but after a day or 2 it doesn't come clean very easily and so there are remnants of lot codes and ingredient names all over them, wet erase doesn't seem to write on them at all. What else can be used? The only way to clean the dry erase off after a few days is to use alcohol (or antibacterial wipes). I'm not completely against this as long as it is used properly and we have all the correct paperwork and wash them after we wipe.
What does everyone else use? Surely we aren't the only place encountering these issues. \
Thanks in advance for your suggestions and ideas!