My new director (yes, the company sale finally went through), has aked what I actually do !!
Not meant in a derogatory way, I hasten to add, but to prevent my head exploding as I go through the delight of introducing TS16949:2002 to the business.
Now when I sat down and thought about it, then noted the bits and bos, I have loads of spare time!! (I am emoticoned out at the moment)
Overview is
QMS, EMS, HR, Training, H&S.
Not a lot really!!
Oh and then I have got to audit the rest of the group that I am now part of and bring them to our level. Yes, we are very sorted compared to the others. But we can always improve.
Anyone else have the same sort of problem?
Oh yea, we are 44 employees, 2.5million t/o. The one site. With plans to expand. Gulp.
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