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Posted 03 April 2004 - 05:49 PM

My new director (yes, the company sale finally went through), has aked what I actually do !!

Not meant in a derogatory way, I hasten to add, but to prevent my head exploding as I go through the delight of introducing TS16949:2002 to the business.

Now when I sat down and thought about it, then noted the bits and bos, I have loads of spare time!! (I am emoticoned out at the moment)

Overview is

QMS, EMS, HR, Training, H&S.

Not a lot really!!

Oh and then I have got to audit the rest of the group that I am now part of and bring them to our level. Yes, we are very sorted compared to the others. But we can always improve.

Anyone else have the same sort of problem?

Oh yea, we are 44 employees, 2.5million t/o. The one site. With plans to expand. Gulp.


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Wallace Tait

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Posted 04 April 2004 - 02:09 AM

Your in a great position. All the power to you.
Capitalize, Capitalize, Capitalize.

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Posted 04 April 2004 - 09:59 PM

My new director (yes, the company sale finally went through), has aked what I actually do !!

Whatever he wants you to do Chris! :lol:

Usually the case Chris, the more diligent and skilled you are at your job the more people will be happy to "utilise" your services or to phrase it another way 'put on you'.

It is slightly worrying if the new boss has to ask what you do, not so much from an (here's your P45) point of view, but because he/she may not have a great understanding of management systems and good quality management etc. If this is the case it's very important that you get in early and engender understanding and sell the benefits. I'm sure everything will be fine and like Wallace says it's an opportunity for you, to shape the future of the business as it expands and hopefully to profit personally. For what it's worth a few tips:

- avoid jargon at all costs
- sell the benefits in pounds, shillings and pence
- make his/her life easy
- get your vision and strategy aligned
- make a REALLY long list of the things you do


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Posted 05 April 2004 - 08:59 AM

He was really more concerned that vital aspects of the business functions were not missed following the previous directors leaving.

Essentially the HR, Training and H&S were part of the company secretaries job. Most of that had come my direction already :o

Fortunately my new director is committed to improving what we have, which is good but can be better. We never consider we are not able to improve.

Thanks for the kind words, but I made my list quite short.

Positive. It was time for our annual management review, and he was very keen to have this meeting. It was an opportune time and provided the ideal vehicle to evidence the many detail changes.


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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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Posted 05 April 2004 - 09:15 PM

The important word I see in there is the one beginning with 'C '. It's great when you get the big guys interested in quality and business improvement and even better when they need no convincing. It makes the job infinitely more satisfying.

Hmm I wonder…do you think a Quality Manager would make a good CEO or MD?


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Posted 06 April 2004 - 07:45 AM


These days, with the (correct) integration of management systems, it is possible a commercially aware QM could meet the requirements.

The successful person should be 'real world' and not stuck in the all too familiar rut of minute detail. ie 'that word is spelt incorrectly', 'that punctuation mark is incorrect' ... you get the idea. These people are what I call 'Quality Stiffs'. Apologies for anyone reading this who feel it is offensive, but I spent 4 hours once arguing the meaning of a word, yes a word, with a very stiff BSI auditor. He even refused the dictionaries definition.

Hence why I will never deal with BSI again.


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