Dear Stevie
I have done some research regarding vegan trademark for my bakery in UK.
The conclusion at the end was you pay a fee to use a trademark and it is ok to put warning product 'may contain' products of animal origin.
Let me explain as this was very interesting exercise for me
this was a response from the v.society :
We don’t ask for any specific verification, however we ask you to confirm that procedures are in place to avoid cross contamination on your shared lines as far as is possible and practicable.
Because we have egg in every product we were interested in cleaning validation/testing regime for the trademark and we asked for the clarification of the information present on the website can we put 'may contain egg' statement as an allergen statement due to egg present everywhere.
on the webiste you can find:
There is no legal definition of the term vegan, but the FSA provides voluntary guidance on the use of the terms vegetarian and vegan in food labelling, including advice about cross-contamination. They suggest that “manufacturers, retailers and caterers should be able to demonstrate that foods presented as 'vegetarian' or 'vegan' have not been contaminated with non-vegetarian or non-vegan foods during storage, preparation, cooking or display”. However, The Vegan Society is not against foods labelled as vegan also carrying a ‘may contain’ warning about animal allergens.
the answer was:
That’s correct, provided there are procedures in place to avoid cross contamination on shared lines you are able to register products that carry ‘may contain’ warnings, as in this case, egg is not an intentional ingredient added to the product.
and its like seriously? if you look at vegan as lifestyle this might be ok then...
but what do I know...
It is different if you do product under retailers name as they require documented procedures to
- assess all raw materials, including processing aids and carriers,
- incorporate risk assessment to determine methods of verifying vegan suitability,
- include testing if appropriate
therefore everything depends on the product and customer it is made for