How to implement an environmental monitoring program
Start Time: 16.24 PM London, 11.24 AM New York
Dr Kantha Channaiah, Director of Microbiology, AIB International
Microorganisms are generally introduced into the food processing environment through contaminated raw materials, pest, air, water, and employees. Hence, it is critical to monitor the hygienic environment in the food manufacturing facility for the production of high quality and safe finished food products. An environmental monitoring program (EMP) will assess the effectiveness of the overall hygienic practices in a facility and provide necessary information to prevent possible microbial contamination of food products. The EMP is designed to verify the cleaning and sanitizing frequencies, and all the programs of the GMPs. A well designed EMP of a food processing plant includes: 1. Collecting environmental samples from food contact and non-food contact surfaces, 2. Testing the collected environmental samples to identify the potential sources of contamination, 3. Initiate corrective actions to eradicate the potential harborage niches, and 4. monitoring.