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Co-Packing, any extra paperwork?

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Posted 11 September 2019 - 07:28 PM



My company hasnt co-packed before however we will be soon. Is there anything extra I need to do per the FDA? We will be recieving their own product and ingredients, we will process it and pack it and ship it to another company for them to package it to a different packaging and then from there they will sell online. 


Any advice or help would be great!

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Posted 11 September 2019 - 08:28 PM

They will of course likely to have a company rep audit you guys, come up with suggested corrective actions, and may request adding in an additional step or two based on what other co-packers may do for them or how they treat their own product in their own facility. They will likely ask for their own inventory of product and labels. They will likely also want to know how you are going to keep their ingredients, processes, and documentation confidential.


Congratulations on the contract!

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Posted 11 September 2019 - 08:35 PM

So this is for a very small company that is just starting up, it is running with just 3 people. So my question is more for us, if we do any service for them, does FDA need us to do anything extra? Is there any new procedure I need to do? Any new documentation?


And thank you! Its a really new experience for me and our company. I think its awesome we can help this startup grow.

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Posted 11 September 2019 - 09:40 PM

FDA can be somewhat convoluted sometimes. I've co-packed for other companies both big and small. The only time we had to do anything additional for the FDA was if we were running an acidified food that required the scheduled process to be submitted.


If this product you are making will be considered an acidified food, then you will have to submit your process to the FDA and complete a separate registration to LACF.


Otherwise, you are in the clear to my knowledge. The small start-up company I'm pretty certain must register with the FDA, but I don't know that you have to do anything additional. 

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Posted 13 September 2019 - 12:18 AM

We are functioning as a small batch copacker in Canada. We are benchmarking FSSC 22000. So long as we fulfill the "Tell me, show me", they seem to have no extra issues.

We were asked to produce our processes once in 18 years.

As I understand it. One must have all the documentation and processes required. The "certifications" are for industry to show off. At least until January, 2020, that is.

Sent from my SM-N960W using Tapatalk

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