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Metal Detector Training

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Posted 01 November 2019 - 03:36 PM

Hello All,


First time post, but I read through your advice constantly, and right now need some advice!!


Is anyone aware of a (hopefully) online course with a certificate of completion that I can use for our employees for use of metal detectors?


I am looking for a training tool that will show an inspector that our staff has passed an accredited course. My goal is to use more training with a certificate of completion so each employee has their own set of certificates that will show how seriously we take our team training. Any other training tools, regardless of the subject, that anyone can offer up for review would also be greatly appreciated!!!


Camden Bucsko

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Posted 01 November 2019 - 04:01 PM

I am not aware of any online courses like this. I have however seen certificates of training completion issued by metal detector companies to the people they train.

You may want to contact your MD rep to see if training with personalized certificates of completion are available.

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Posted 01 November 2019 - 04:44 PM

Never heard of any trainings specific to MD. However you can do a basic HACCP (You can find this online and a discount for groups is provided) or Food Safety fundamentals which will include MD. You can also like Glenn said, issue your own certs for example have them do a test prepared by you and give them a cert. I am pretty positive no federal agency nor GFSI requires a cert of completion course for MD. They do however require all employees are trained in PRPs and Food Safety (through your own company training). 

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Posted 01 November 2019 - 07:37 PM

Never heard of any trainings specific to MD. However you can do a basic HACCP (You can find this online and a discount for groups is provided) or Food Safety fundamentals which will include MD. You can also like Glenn said, issue your own certs for example have them do a test prepared by you and give them a cert. I am pretty positive no federal agency nor GFSI requires a cert of completion course for MD. They do however require all employees are trained in PRPs and Food Safety (through your own company training). 


I actually had our metal detector company come out and train QA so we could show we were trained by a certified company. We also had basic HACCP courses, as well as a metal detector course that I created for all MD operators.


BRC v8 has some particular wording in Section 6.1.2, which prompted me to inquire about training from our MD company. The wording is as follows: "Where equipment settings are critical to the safety or legality of the product, changes to the equipment settings shall only be completed by trained and authorised staff."

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