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Magnet Inspection Frequency

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Posted 25 February 2020 - 10:25 PM

Hello All, 

I'm attempting to find out the frequency that one should be inspecting the magnets for the presence of metals or other metalic foreign material.  Does anyone have some recommendations that they would like to share.  Any help will be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you. 


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Posted 25 February 2020 - 11:52 PM

I have not dealt with magnets rather metal detectors and blowers. Like all equipment I would say you need to validate the frequency, whether it is every hour or end of shift. You need to conduct this validation. Just know the longer you take to check the magnets the more product you put at risk when an issue arises. Are you using magnets as a CCP, CP or PRP? 


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Posted 26 February 2020 - 12:26 AM

We are using magnets more of a PRP.  Our metal detectors are our CCP

Brendan Triplett

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Posted 26 February 2020 - 10:02 AM

The magnets as a preventive control will need to be verified and validated.  That is to say, you will need to ensure that they are being inspected at a regular interval, you will need to ensure that the records of the inspections are being conducted.  I would then have some sort of calibration or magnet review (maybe annual) to ensure that the magnets are still effective.  Here is a forum section on it: 





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Brendan Triplett

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Posted 26 February 2020 - 12:02 PM

we also use the magnets We are using magnets more of a PRP. What do you want ?

Edited by Lisaban86a, 26 February 2020 - 12:02 PM.

Chris Zacharski

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Posted 26 February 2020 - 12:51 PM

Magnets must be cleaned and inspected for damage on a defined schedule that is justified with an appropriate risk assessment to satisfy PRP / CCP control and food safety audits. 
Here is a good read about the magnets in food industry, including validation and verification methods:
"Magnets for Metal Fragment Control and Food Safety" by Debby Newslow and Kevin Baker
I hope you will find it useful. Drop me a line if I can do anything else for you.

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Posted 26 February 2020 - 03:31 PM

The frequency of testing the magnets are really up to your risk assessments. We used magnets, and they were inspected at least once a day, but we also had metal detectors at the end of the process. 


Product lines were fully enclosed, and any manual handling was limited to reworking. Reworked product would then go back through a magnet, a sifter, and a metal detector.

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Posted 26 February 2020 - 04:32 PM

We used magnets as oPRP and inspected daily at end of each production. A  pull test was done annually. Finished product went through metal detector which we also labeled as oPRP.


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Posted 26 February 2020 - 09:14 PM

Thank you Chris for that documents.  It has a lot of information regarding verification and validation of magnets.  Very insightful.  I think we will need to risk assess and make a decision as to the frequency of the magnet cleaning.  Right now we have committed to checking the magnet (for physical contaminants) after each metal detector verification.  We think this is too much and would like to stay away from checking magnets and only relying on our annual pull strength test.  

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Chris Zacharski

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Posted 27 February 2020 - 11:25 AM

Thank you Chris for that documents.  It has a lot of information regarding verification and validation of magnets.  Very insightful.  I think we will need to risk assess and make a decision as to the frequency of the magnet cleaning.  Right now we have committed to checking the magnet (for physical contaminants) after each metal detector verification.  We think this is too much and would like to stay away from checking magnets and only relying on our annual pull strength test.  

You're welcome! I believe that as long as you will justify with an appropriate risk assessment there should be no issues during food safety audits. It may be beneficial for you to read also following FDA's guideline, as it includes references relevant to metal detection regulations:


Chapter 20: Metal Inclusion, in Fish and Fishery Products: Hazards and Controls Guidance 4ed (2019)






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Posted 27 February 2020 - 01:18 PM

You're welcome! I believe that as long as you will justify with an appropriate risk assessment there should be no issues during food safety audits. It may be beneficial for you to read also following FDA's guideline, as it includes references relevant to metal detection regulations:


Chapter 20: Metal Inclusion, in Fish and Fishery Products: Hazards and Controls Guidance 4ed (2019)





hi Chris,


Bit off-topic


This is a useful reference however the FDA's frequently quoted  Regulatory viewpoint on metal contamination has successfully misled countless developers of haccp plans (and seemingly sometimes auditors also) into believing that metal contamination of diameter < 7mm is a perfectly acceptable situation.


Simple intuition would IMO logically negate such a belief, not to mention a history of published US recalls for foods contaminated with "fine" metallic particles.


Despite the extensive, albeit aging, data which supports FDA's Regulatory opinion, their viewpoint, afaik, is Globally unique.


It is fortunate that the existence of  the category of "adulteration" enables avoidance of a conundrum..

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Posted 18 March 2020 - 08:31 AM

We are checking magnets at the beginning and end of each production run QC must perform the verification of the efficiency of the magnets.

Magnet without metallic residual - Routine inspection – visual inspection for damage and the presence of captured metal fragments

Magnet in Correct position - Magnet have to place in the middle of the line, and don't touch the walls. Between the product and magnet have to be left a gap. Taking in consideration the bed height of the product on the conveyor belt and the magnet position so is no contact

Make sure the magnet is properly positioned/ Integrity

Ferrous ball 10mm Ø - Check the efficiency of the magnet by position a calibrated reference samples of ferrous 10 mm AISI 420 on the production conveyor belt, respecting the same speed and  repeating the operation for three times and in three different positions. Test should be done at the start and end of the shift. If changed magnet high, magnet efficiency must be inspected.  The efficiency of the “power of attraction of the magnet “provides the capture each  sample 3 times. Record the inspections carried out on the registration form

Visible check - Magnets with visible cracks or wear holes should be removed from operation immediately
Does anyone has magnet risk assessment as example to share with me?


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Posted 18 March 2020 - 11:47 AM


We are checking magnets at the beginning and end of each production run QC must perform the verification of the efficiency of the magnets.

Magnet without metallic residual - Routine inspection – visual inspection for damage and the presence of captured metal fragments

Magnet in Correct position - Magnet have to place in the middle of the line, and don't touch the walls. Between the product and magnet have to be left a gap. Taking in consideration the bed height of the product on the conveyor belt and the magnet position so is no contact

Make sure the magnet is properly positioned/ Integrity

Ferrous ball 10mm Ø - Check the efficiency of the magnet by position a calibrated reference samples of ferrous 10 mm AISI 420 on the production conveyor belt, respecting the same speed and  repeating the operation for three times and in three different positions. Test should be done at the start and end of the shift. If changed magnet high, magnet efficiency must be inspected.  The efficiency of the “power of attraction of the magnet “provides the capture each  sample 3 times. Record the inspections carried out on the registration form

Visible check - Magnets with visible cracks or wear holes should be removed from operation immediately
Does anyone has magnet risk assessment as example to share with me?



Hi ugne,


I'm curious how you validate the choice of a 10mm ball. Seems gigantic.

Kind Regards,



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