Good morning all,
Looking for opinions on what everyone would do in this situation... We have an employee who's family member (whom they live with) potentially has COVID-19, they would not test them since they are not high risk but said to assume they have it and treat it like the flu. Once we learned this, they immediately stopped working, this was about 7 days ago. They have not exhibited any symptoms thus far. They work on a separate shift than the production workers (they are sanitation) so I know that no one else was directly exposed. We also sanitize all contact surfaces with an EPA approved sanitizer for 10 minutes, 5x a day (after start of production, after each break/lunch and at end of day).
What would you do?
How long would you keep them from coming into work?
Looking for input, comments, suggestions..
I've read a lot about if the actual worker at your facility is confirmed to carrying this virus but with shortage of tests, they are not testing everyone so how do you know how to respond? Again, this is not confirmed... doctors only said to assume and the employee is not exhibiting symptoms, only the family member.