I know this may be a year or so late but here is my take on the situation.
HR is not responsible or qualitied to make Food Safety Judgments on there own, sure you may take there opinion into consideration, however, as a food safety manager, it is your duty to make sure that all food is safe for ALL Consumers.
I disagree with having even a single wedding band, the risk of bacteria that could potentially contaminate product is just too great. Its easy! do your risk analysis, making sure you are following foods safety regulations and apply your 7 principle HACCP steps to the situation.
Don't get caught up on wanting to oblige your employee's human rights and forget about the human rights of your customers.
Forget the idea of OSHA fees, and GFSI docked points and start concentrating on the real reason we do what we do. IS there a potential to cause harm to the end user. IF you can say yes to any possible scenario, It's a problem and should be corrected.
To eliminate or reduce to an expectable level any risk to food safety.
A few things to ask yourself.
Are there CCP/CP's in place to catch the physical Hazard?
Are you willing to accept the consequences if you hurt a customer?
Is it more important to feed the wants of your employees or protect the lives of your customers?
Is this a risk for your employees safety?