This is a little "out there" - so just looking for ideas.
We do a lot of manual dough benchwork on a very large plastic-top table. (Ballpark 15' x 6') We hand-make the same size dough 'squares' to then laminate butter into. What I'd like to do is get a visual guide for the size of the dough squares 'built' into the table somehow.
I'd considered something like - a very deep etch outline into the plastic tabletop to the size of the square we want, fill the bottom of the etch with a color, then fill in the top with a food-safe pourable plastic resin that bonds to the plastic of the table so the final finish is flush with the table surface. (i.e. no catch points for dough, totally cleanable, etc.)
I'd proposed just making a separate metal guide or plastic, but that would slip and slide around the tabletop.
Anyone have any other ideas on how to accomplish a permanent, built-in guide? Anyone know of pourable, food-safe plastic resin? (I'd add it to our daily inspections to make certain it's not pulling away, chipping, etc.) Sometimes easy/obvious solutions have been missed until I've asked others outside of the process, so that's why I figured I would toss it out there.
Thanks in advance!