Hi all,
I'd like to hear your thoughts on my situation, especially from anyone who has sat the HACCP Level 4 course, though all comments welcome of course..
I've recently started as QA Manager at a RTE food-to-go manufactuer. The Technical Manager left last month for a new job so I've slid across to cover that side of things too for the time being, interim or potentially longer term depending how things go. The HACCP system is substantial and up to date but of course I'll be taking over as team leader and managing it moving forwards.
Now my query is on my official training - I have HACCP level 3 at present. Whilst I can educate myself with available resources I am aware that having done the HACCP level 4 course would be ideal in this situation, and my concern is whether my auditor in 2 weeks will view my official training & experiance (first time TM) as insufficient to lead the HACCP team. We conform to STS, SALSA and are preparing for BRC, and as far as I can see the requirements regarging the team refer to "demonstrating competence, experiance and training". In the HACCP teams I've previously been part of, the leader has always carried level 4.
My trouble currently is the standard 5 day classroom based course is unfeasible for the near future due to the virus situation. I can't find any virtual courses (i.e. live via webcam type thing) but have found an online course which is 40 hours and email support...
Would anyone having done the class based level 4 consider the above course as worth doing? I'm aware it is likely inferior to a class based setting given the depth of the topic. Another thought I have is to plan a level 4 class based course for later in the year when they are available, and just note down for auditors that we have arrangements for the team leader to go on level 4 as soon as practically possible - and hope this would be sufficient?
Any thoughts appreciated