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PCQI training in-house

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Best Answer , 26 August 2020 - 01:37 PM

As the PCQI, you are allowed to train specific individuals on specific tasks/responsibilities in your environment as you desire. They do not need to become fully trained as a PCQI in order to take on some of these responsibilities. But keep in mind that you are the on-site "expert" as the PCQI, so your training to these employees must be formal and documented. I would put together a simple (but effective) Power Point training module on the topic/areas that you want to train other employees in, and have a formal written procedure for each task that you want to delegate. I would schedule the formal training class, have them sign in via a sign in sheet to prove they attended, and require that each employee that receives your training to take a quiz after the training has occurred to prove their knowledge and understanding of what they were trained on and what their responsibilities are. All of this documentation (PPT training material, SOP, sign in sheet, final quiz with passing scores) must remain on file in the event you are audited by the FDA/Third Party/Customer, etc... and are required to prove that these employees have been properly trained. 


This is no different than an employee having responsibility for documenting a CCP in a Food Safety Plan. For example, if an employee cooks raw meat to a kill step and documents each batch that they cook reaches a minimum of 165*F, they do not need to be a PCQI to do this. But they do need to receive formal documented training to show that they have been trained properly and effectively on how to properly take the temperature of the cooked meat, how to read a thermometer, etc...


Hope this helps. 

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Posted 24 August 2020 - 05:59 PM

I have taken the PCQI course and am in the warehousing and distribution environment. I'm looking to train individuals so that they know what to look for when verifying documents that pertain to hazards and PC.  In my environment that is the inbound and outbound shipping documents which has the temperature and trailer inspection.  Maintenance captures room temperatures so that would also be a PC needed to be verified. 


I'm not looking to perform the entire training for PCQI related to the food safety plan but give them a brief understanding of what they are to verify and actions to take if an out of spec value occurs.  Would this be adequate?

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The Food Scientist

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Posted 24 August 2020 - 06:25 PM

Would be adequate only for knowledge purposes not to have them become PCQIs though, So a food safety training really.

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Posted 26 August 2020 - 12:58 PM

"Regulations require that monitoring and corrective action records be reviewed within seven working days under the oversight of a preventive controls qualified individual."  I handle the corrective actions but with all monitoring activities I am looking for individuals who would be able to review all the basic records a warehouse within those 7 days.


Under the oversight of a PCQI is what is throwing me.  Do you have to be PCQI or would adequate training in this monitoring area suffice?

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Ted S

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Posted 26 August 2020 - 01:37 PM   Best Answer

As the PCQI, you are allowed to train specific individuals on specific tasks/responsibilities in your environment as you desire. They do not need to become fully trained as a PCQI in order to take on some of these responsibilities. But keep in mind that you are the on-site "expert" as the PCQI, so your training to these employees must be formal and documented. I would put together a simple (but effective) Power Point training module on the topic/areas that you want to train other employees in, and have a formal written procedure for each task that you want to delegate. I would schedule the formal training class, have them sign in via a sign in sheet to prove they attended, and require that each employee that receives your training to take a quiz after the training has occurred to prove their knowledge and understanding of what they were trained on and what their responsibilities are. All of this documentation (PPT training material, SOP, sign in sheet, final quiz with passing scores) must remain on file in the event you are audited by the FDA/Third Party/Customer, etc... and are required to prove that these employees have been properly trained. 


This is no different than an employee having responsibility for documenting a CCP in a Food Safety Plan. For example, if an employee cooks raw meat to a kill step and documents each batch that they cook reaches a minimum of 165*F, they do not need to be a PCQI to do this. But they do need to receive formal documented training to show that they have been trained properly and effectively on how to properly take the temperature of the cooked meat, how to read a thermometer, etc...


Hope this helps. 

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