Posted 30 September 2020 - 02:23 PM
Thank you all for your comments you have echoed my thoughts.
That is what I have said to the business and they looked at me like I was an alien
-- you know it's funny how that happens - the alien thing, we find ourselves as consultants getting paid for what we do and then when I tell upper management or the owner of a food company they need to do such and such - they look at me like I'm some kind a whack-o. Case in point, I recently informed a food company president they needed to immediately stop doing something that could injure their own employees and that the company would be seeing lawsuits soon if they did not stop the practice - they pretty much laughed at me and said good day.
They continued to do what they were doing and last week the first injury lawsuit was sent to them by an attorney representing a group of employees.
Business owners and upper management "think" they can do all sorts of things and if they fail to listen to their QA people and consultants that are brought onboard they set themselves up for a fall.
Keep on doing what you do, you have good purpose.
All the Best,
All Rights Reserved,
Without Prejudice,
Glenn Oster.
Glenn Oster Consulting, LLC
SQF System Development, Implementation & Certification Consultants
Internal Auditor Training | eConsultant| Capital & Operational Consultant
Market Segments: Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Organic, Non-Gluten
We do not provide consulting to companies that kill animals & other sentient beings - 774-563-6161