Thanks for your sharing and sorry for inconvenience.
Yes, I meant BOD for Biochemical Oxygen Demand.
Currently my boss wants me to dilute for Influence Waste base on COD Results.
Firstly, we found the dilution factor by average of BOD result divided by COD results. For prediction of BOD result, must be multiply the COD result with dilution factor.
e.g. Dilution factor is 0.2 and COD result is 1355 mg/L, Predict BOD result will be 1355 * 0.2 = 271 mg/L. In this situation, I check the sample volume to analyze with this BOD range at the BOD dilution factor table.
It shows 5ml sample need to put.
But in actual analysis, the result is less than we predicted.
Therefore, I assume our finding factor is probably wrong and I want to know the right ways to predict the BOD result base on COD result.
Thanks and Regards,
You have given no information to help determine if there is a possibility that a CoA could relate to BOD. I am assuming you mean biochemical oxygen demand? I had to calculate an estimated BOD based on amount of sugar we dumped down the drains every year for the EPA, but that was taking established parameters and calculating an estimate based on known variables. We still had to have validation from a 2 sample testing process referenced below:
BOD measurement requires taking two samples at each site. One is tested immediately for dissolved oxygen, and the second is incubated in the dark at 20 C for 5 days and then tested for the amount of dissolved oxygen remaining. The difference in oxygen levels between the first test and the second test, in milligrams per liter (mg/L), is the amount of BOD. This represents the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms to break down the organic matter present in the sample bottle during the incubation period. Because of the 5-day incubation, the tests should be conducted in a laboratory. https://archive.epa....html/vms52.html
The group here is probably going to need more info to give you anything helpful.