Hi all,
I have been working with X-ray machine control points. What inspection points are to be included in the X-ray machine checklist as a CCP.
Thank you
Posted 28 December 2020 - 07:04 AM
Hi Godawari,
Not quite sure what you mean by "inspection Points" ?
Assuming unit is located at "end" of process, the only (process) CCP (= X-ray implementation Step) involved would probably be related to a critical limit involving the necessity that (a) the machine successfully rejects hazardous materials and (b) all ultimately packed material passes through the machine.
I only have direct experience of metal detector but validation of critical limit is probably based either on local/customer/destination Regulatory limits (if any) or determining the LOD of instrument for standard reference samples. IIRC there are some previous X-ray threads on this Forum which may elaborate.
Kind Regards,
Thanked by 1 Member:
Posted 07 January 2021 - 06:33 AM
Thank you Charles..
Posted 05 February 2021 - 09:20 PM
Not sure where you are located in the world Godawari, but if you can do not make it a CCP. Here in Canada and in our plant we have x-ray on our formed product lines and they are not CCP's we consider them to be foreign material removal equipment and have had the blessing of the CFIA to just that. Reason being is there are no specific limits set out in government standards on what an acceptable size of material is a hazard. Should also note that we do have metal detectors on these lines as well and they are CCP's as there are limit standards set out.
Thanked by 1 Member:
Posted 05 February 2021 - 10:38 PM
Not sure where you are located in the world Godawari, but if you can do not make it a CCP. Here in Canada and in our plant we have x-ray on our formed product lines and they are not CCP's we consider them to be foreign material removal equipment and have had the blessing of the CFIA to just that. Reason being is there are no specific limits set out in government standards on what an acceptable size of material is a hazard. Should also note that we do have metal detectors on these lines as well and they are CCP's as there are limit standards set out.
Hi Jim,
I agree it is helpful if realistic official requirements exist. Far less sure if absence should be a criterion for no CCPs. Codex would likely disagree for one although their iconic Tree seems to have finally been uprooted .
If absence, I suggest it depends on how you (a) designate your PRPs and (b) implement/interpret the (assumed applicable) Codex definition of a CCP.
Any resulting Critical Limit is likely to be subjective/argumentative, eg utilising LOD. (as are CFIA numbers also of course).
Kind Regards,
Posted 06 February 2021 - 05:27 AM
Not sure where you are located in the world Godawari, but if you can do not make it a CCP. Here in Canada and in our plant we have x-ray on our formed product lines and they are not CCP's we consider them to be foreign material removal equipment and have had the blessing of the CFIA to just that. Reason being is there are no specific limits set out in government standards on what an acceptable size of material is a hazard. Should also note that we do have metal detectors on these lines as well and they are CCP's as there are limit standards set out.
Thank you for this simple and realistic explanation. I will get back to my team and discuss and make changes.
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