Hi Charles,
yes, not a good look, but this is the same across all carton/paperboard manufacturers, all of them are using recycled content, (cost and sustainability) which can get as high at 60%. Cartons do not have direct product contact. The inner layer of the cartons (the corrugated section) is made from the recycled papers. The inner and outer layers are made from a more premium paper, the outside - the artwork face, is premium glossy paper and fully virgin.
The inside that has indirect contact (product is in a polymer bag) is also a virgin material. So, the recycled cardboard is sandwiched between two "good" layers and very low to no risk of penetration. All the board manufacturers will use recycled content in cartons unless premium or virgin materials are required and that costs. It would not matter which board manufacturer we went to; we would still see the same issues due to recycled content. The recycling process can pull out metals with magnets but non-ferrous will still get through. They cannot filter through screens easily either as this could break up the cellulose fibres.
With a much larger focus on sustainability and recycling being driven by the consumer, along with a drive to reduce manufacturing costs the amount of recycling content in packaging materials is forever increasing.
We are seeing a strong drive, most notably in the plastics packaging now. We are seeing a higher demand for recycled plastics and it is something the company is driving to meet our sustainability requirements. Unlike board, recycled plastics cost more than virgin materials so there is an added cost of including recycled plastics in our packaging. But plastics can be better refined and cleaned up before being used for direct food contact.
It is a fine balance to be sustainable and reduce costs at the same time.
Re your questions for our site,
(1) What size of (Ferrous, non-Ferrous, SS) test pieces are used ? (curious as to degree of sensitivity setting)
Our detection limits are 4.5mm 316 Stainless Steel (SS), 3.0mm Non-Ferrous (Non-Fe), 2.0mm Ferrous (Fe). Is possible we could reduce the detector aperture to try and not capture the carton but the risk?
(2) Please clarify the "carton" which passes through the MD. Is this a retail box, eg 250g, or a master/outer carton with many retail boxes inside, eg 10kg. Or ?
These cartons are our “inners” 2kg product is packed (hot filled) into a plastic pouch and then into the inner which helps product retain shape – this is what passes over the MD. The inners are then packed into an outer, 6x2kg.So we cannot fill the pouch, then detect, then carton, very fluid product and needs the carton at filling,
(4) I see you also re-scan the "carton" of kicked out items. What level % register (ie confirm initial result) as positive by the MD?
Every metal rejection we have had on the line has been the result of the carton and confirmed following checks, nothing found in product.
(5) Do any "cartons" give positive result before use but no kick-out with product inside ? (relates to MD consistency/sensitivity)
We do not MD the cartons prior to filling due to the process, cartons are formed and filled in one operation. The level of rejects due to metal are very very small so we manage the minor inconvenience. I have not been made aware of any issues of late – but they still could be occurring, they are just not communicating this to me.