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How to calibrate Stat Fax?

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    Grade - AIFSQN

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Posted 16 August 2021 - 01:45 AM

Can anyone advice how we calibrate the statfax. FYI we are using this for testing Histamine quantity and we calibrate this by running the known standard as sample and obtain the figures as results for calibration. refer to the result attached. Can anyone advice on how we interpret these results that does not match the standard figures (i.e. 0,25,50,100) and what the corrective action for this?


Thanking you in advance.


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Posted 16 August 2021 - 03:20 AM

Can anyone advice how we calibrate the statfax. FYI we are using this for testing Histamine quantity and we calibrate this by running the known standard as sample and obtain the figures as results for calibration. refer to the result attached. Can anyone advice on how we interpret these results that does not match the standard figures (i.e. 0,25,50,100) and what the corrective action for this?


Thanking you in advance.


Hi ennyk,


No attachment.

Numbers have no units,


Does the machine not come with a manual ?

Kind Regards,




    Grade - AIFSQN

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Posted 16 August 2021 - 03:47 AM

Hi Charles; 
Below is what the manual stated. We tried and do with known concentrations. It does not state if there is any variations or which figures that we will consider the machine to be invalid.
See Section 2.5.4 – Cubic Spline Mode accepts a
number of calibrators and calculates concentrations
based on the Cubic Spline (constrained) calibration
Stat Fax® 4700 accepts a number of Calibrators and
calculates concentrations based on the Cubic Spline
(Constrained) calibration curve. Calibrator materials of
known concentrations are used to calibrate the Stat
Fax® 4700 so that concentrations of unknown
Samples are calculated from the generated curve. The
resulting calibrator curve is a smooth curve connecting
the Calibrator points, which may be entered in
ascending or descending order of absorbance. A
constraining algorithm is applied to prevent curve

Attached Files


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Posted 16 August 2021 - 09:19 AM


Hi Charles; 
Below is what the manual stated. We tried and do with known concentrations. It does not state if there is any variations or which figures that we will consider the machine to be invalid.
See Section 2.5.4 – Cubic Spline Mode accepts anumber of calibrators and calculates concentrationsbased on the Cubic Spline (constrained) calibrationcurve.
Stat Fax® 4700 accepts a number of Calibrators andcalculates concentrations based on the Cubic Spline(Constrained) calibration curve. Calibrator materials of known concentrations are used to calibrate the StatFax® 4700 so that concentrations of unknownSamples are calculated from the generated curve. Theresulting calibrator curve is a smooth curve connectingthe Calibrator points, which may be entered inascending or descending order of absorbance. Aconstraining algorithm is applied to prevent curve



Hi ennyk,


I'm not personally familiar with this instrument but I'm not sure I understand yr specific problem ?


Yr extract explains how the calibration curve is generated for the Cubic spline mode . The results should apparently be obtained as per this mode or the alternative preceding modes as listed in the manual, ie. -


Attached File  mode of operation.PNG   142.27KB   0 downloads


I noted this introductory manual comment  which is the traditionally suggested option in case of operational difficulties -


It is a general purpose instrument intended to be used by trained laboratory professionals who are capable of selecting the appropriate features and options for each specific clinical application. Contact your company’s instrument service provider to arrange for training if the information in this manual is not sufficient.

Kind Regards,



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