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Hong Kong, South Korea and Main Land China Labelling regulation

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Posted 13 September 2021 - 08:30 AM

Hi All 

Please can some one give me some initial advise on where to look for Main land China , South Korea and Hong Kong food safety and Food labelling regulatory information. 


We are a small chocolate manufacturer in UK and got an initial interest from far east for some bulk buying but I am not very sure where to start with regards to labelling regulation. If any team member at least hold a list of Ingredient and Additives which are strictly banned in these 3 country will be start so I can do NPD accordingly to start with. 


I am mainly interested in 

1. Do I need any special licensing / registration when planning to export South Korea, Hong Kong or Mainland China 

2. Any banned Additives and/ or Ingredients . (Currently we do use Shellac, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxide, Natural flavours )

3. Does the labelling need to be in Local language for exported goods or can be in English 


Thanks in advance


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Evans X.

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Posted 13 September 2021 - 10:41 AM

Greetings Dalways,


The links below are pretty straightforward.


Hong Kong:




China (a little less helpful site :mellow: ):



South Korea:



Hope it helps!

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Ryan M.

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Posted 13 September 2021 - 06:44 PM

  1. Depends on the product / items.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes, typically, but may depend on the product / item.


I've handled exports to these countries, but in each case we have a broker who helped us with all of this.  We were exporting milk at the time which is pretty heavily regulated.  I have no idea about chocolate.

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Posted 13 September 2021 - 07:16 PM

use a broker


also, check with your authority, they should be able to assist as you may need an export certificate from them

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Posted 14 September 2021 - 08:16 AM

I'll add to the chorus of "use a broker", or similar expert. My experience of exporting to China has been that what the regs say and what is actually expected at customs won't always align - you really do want the input of someone who knows what hoops actually need to be jumped through.

Someone like Campden or Leatherhead will be able to check / get your product and labels compliant with the regs, but that's unfortunately not always the same as actually making it through customs at the receiving end...

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