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How to control metal without a metal detector?

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Posted 01 October 2021 - 08:56 PM


We pack roasted sunflower seeds and nuts into packing film that has metal in it. We have 5 packing lines and only one metal detector and at the same time we pack different products into different films. We pour out the product from big bags that goes up a transporters into vertical packing machines. Do you have any suggestions how to control metal?

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Ryan M.

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Posted 01 October 2021 - 09:07 PM

Metal detector upstream of the final package if package is metal.  Have a very robust program for preventing metal intrusion between the detector and your final package.


An alternative might be an x-ray machine if the company is willing to pay for it.

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Posted 01 October 2021 - 09:16 PM

Metal detector upstream of the final package if package is metal.  Have a very robust program for preventing metal intrusion between the detector and your final package.
An alternative might be an x-ray machine if the company is willing to pay for it.

Sadly the company will not buy 5 new metal detectors, because there are 5 lines. What would your suggestion be for preventing metal? The product during the process goes through 4 different machines - sorting, roasting, oiling and packaging

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Posted 02 October 2021 - 08:42 AM

Sadly the company will not buy 5 new metal detectors, because there are 5 lines. What would your suggestion be for preventing metal? The product during the process goes through 4 different machines - sorting, roasting, oiling and packaging

You need to generate a sufficiently, auditorially compelling explanation as to the high improbability of any of the 4 other lines contributing any metal inclusions.


Or perhaps remove the metal detector.

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Ryan M.

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Posted 02 October 2021 - 03:22 PM

Sadly the company will not buy 5 new metal detectors, because there are 5 lines. What would your suggestion be for preventing metal? The product during the process goes through 4 different machines - sorting, roasting, oiling and packaging

A robust preventative maintenance and inspection program. Audit all equipment on all lines to determine potential risk of metal intrusion. Eliminate the risk where possible with covers, guards, or removal of fasteners and welding in place.

You will also need to audit the ingredients and suppliers for potential metal risk and see how you can prevent or lower the potential risk.

If I were you I’d look at companies who have had to recall products due to metal and see if you can get some kind of cost. If your company has an insurance provider it might be possible they have some numbers on potential recall cost for metal intrusion.

It boggles my mind companies won’t spend the money to put these in places. It freaky is heap insurance to when an issue happens and you have to recall the product.

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Posted 05 October 2021 - 03:59 PM

Ensure the raw material has some form of metal detection in bulk if possible. 


I'd also ensure you have start up checks of all equipment and end of run checks - check for things like screws, nuts, bolts or anything else that could fall into a pack. Account for them at the start and the end of the run. If at the end of the run something is missing then you should hold all products packed since the last check and find the part that's missing. 


Also risk assess all your activities and ensure you can satisfy any legal challenge which may come from this. 

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Posted 05 October 2021 - 05:27 PM

You can have the metal detector assay adjusted to accommodate metal films---I have done so in the past with great success


Call the manufacturer and discuss this option


You should be able to change the detector settings depending on product/packaging you are running

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Posted 06 October 2021 - 02:52 PM

You could use a magnet but wouldn't be as effective as metal detection.  The company is not understanding the concept of basic food safety.  Would they prefer the expense of a recall?  

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