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Does a production manager need HACCP training?

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    Grade - AIFSQN

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Posted 29 November 2021 - 01:54 PM

My facility is working towards SQF. The HACCP coordinator and director of operations are both trained as SQF practitioners. So we've got the back-up practitioner requirement covered. However the Production Manager has no formal training (very knowledge about food safety and 10+ years of experience, but no certificates at all). Is there any requirement in the code that suggests the production manager/someone in a position so integral to food safety would need formal training? 




Thanks in advance for the help! 

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    Grade - PIFSQN

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    United States

Posted 29 November 2021 - 02:06 PM

I haven't dug into the newest code, but it was not required in the versions I operated under. At that time they needed to have demonstrable proficiency with each task they were responsible for overseeing/managing. For example, I've had an SQF auditor ask my line operator to show them how the HACCP check is performed, ask a shift supervisor to show them how they perform the HACCP verification checks, etc. They will also ask 'what happens if...' type questions. 

But a 'formal training' class? No, I've never seen that required of production manager.

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