oh yes please!
Hi There,
Here you go hope it helps
The standard was developed to assist retailers and other users in their fulfilment of legal obligations and protection of the consumer, by providing a common basis for the evaluation of companies storing and distributing products. Since the introduction of the EU general food law regulations 2002 and the general product safety directive 2005, the obligations placed upon the retailer to ensure product safety and the systems they have introduced have now become best practice across much of the supply chain. The principles of the standard provide a means of ensuring the critical elements of their and their suppliers due diligence system are satisfied.
Technical evaluation of the storage and distribution chain forms only part of the customers due diligence system, and the acceptance for a company to supply rests with the individual customer.
The standard requires
- The adoption and implementation of a hazard and risk analysis and ( in the case of food its requires
- A documented and effective
quality management system
- The control of environmental standards, products, processes and personnel.
The standard sets out the requirements for the storage, distribution, wholesaling and contracted services for:
- Pre-packaged and loose foods
- Packaging materials
- Consumer products
There are specific modules for each activity undertaken and the standard specifies the requirements for the following modules:
- Storage
- Distribution
- Wholesale
- Contracted services (pre packed products only)
Certification to the standard will become a requirement by UK retailers for supply chain throughout Europe. Food storage and distribution companies must comply with EU regulations (No 178/2002, 852/2004). This will have a direct effect as these businesses are now classed as food businesses as such have legal obligations to supply safe and legal products.
The standard meets the minimum requirements for legislation and includes hazard analysis and
HACCP systems. The storage and distribution standard encompasses the fundamental principles of the existing industry and retailers own standards. It is not intended to replace the requirement of any legislation, where this legislation requires a higher standard for a specific industry sector.
The drivers are country specific in that the standard owner is the BRC (British retailer consortium). UK retailers use storage and distribution companies throughout the UK and Europe and in addition have their own warehousing and distribution centres throughout Europe. Food manufacturers will use the standard within their supply chain to ensure due diligence and monitoring of their suppliers and/or contracted warehousing/transport. The industry sectors are warehousing, storage, transportation, and contracted services such as contract packing of finished goods.
Companies will be all logistics related businesses from large multi site operations to companies with single storage site facilities.
- A single standard and protocol that allows an evaluation by third party certification bodies which shall be accredited to ISO/IEC guide 65
- Single verification commissioned by the manufacturer, agent, importer, or supplier, in line with an agreed evaluation frequency, will allow reporting upon the status to their customers and other organisations as agreed.
- The standard is comprehensive in scope covering areas of quality, hygiene and product safety throughout the distribution chain
- The standard addresses part of the due diligence requirements of the food manufacturer, agent, importer, supplier and retailer/user. Food manufacturers may also use the standard to ensure their contractors are following good hygiene practices and complete the due diligence chain.
- Within the associated protocol, there is a requirement for ongoing surveillance and confirmation of the follow up of corrective actions on non conformance to the standard, thus ensuring that a self improving quality, hygiene and product safety system is established.
Anything else let me know, i am writing a quick guide which will be availble soon