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Clarification on Reporting Listeria Vidas to USDA for Zone Samples

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Posted 06 December 2024 - 12:03 AM



Question. We do zones 1/2/3/4 EV samples 2x a month, along with 3 FCS testing. I am under the impression that we only need to report Listeria Vidas to USDA if it is on a FCS, correct? 


Reason I ask is, we got a presumptive on a zone 3, a drain, that came back not mono. Corrective action was to reclean and re-swab the area. It was negative for anything the second time re-swabbed.


I really do not want to get USDA all fired up, and if I do not need to notify them about it, I would prefer not to, since it was a false positive. 


Any input is apricated. 

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Posted 09 December 2024 - 08:48 PM

Assuming you are using Alternative 3, then check your Holding Procedures. Most establishments follow the "FSIS Compliance Guideline: Controlling Listeria monocytogenes in Post-lethality Exposed Ready-to-Eat Meat and Poultry Products" which recommends that on the first positive to take corrective actions then retest. If there is a second positive then you will need to hold and take samples of "products". From what you stated it looks like you have followed the correct steps. USDA might ask questions but wont' take any actions because it has been taken care of correctly. At most USDA will ask what you did and might want to observe the employee who samples the areas just to confirm. No need to notify USDA it is their job to request lab results as per their job duties, if they do see the positive then just have your corrective action paperwork ready.


Sources: FSIS Compliance Guideline: Controlling Listeria monocytogenes in Post-lethality Exposed Ready-to-Eat Meat and Poultry Products (Page 15)

"Establishments must verify that the corrective actions taken after an initial positive test for Lm or its indicator organisms on an FCS in the post-lethality processing treatment are effective. This is achieved by performing follow-up testing for Lm or an indicator organism after the FCS positive test that includes a targeted test of the specific site on the FCS that is the most likely source of contamination and additional tests in the surrounding FCS area."

"If follow-up testing yields a second positive result, hold and test products that may be contaminated using a sampling method and frequency that will provide a level of statistical confidence that will ensure that lots are not adulterated."

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Posted 10 December 2024 - 01:32 PM

... No need to notify USDA it is their job to request lab results as per their job duties, if they do see the positive then just have your corrective action paperwork ready. ...


I wouldn't go out of my way either, but I would expect the inspector to ask.  Have your corrective action documents sorted out and ready.

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